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Chausson's sacred choral works...

Started by kolaboy, Wednesday 23 September 2015, 22:09

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Have all of Chausson's sacred choral works been recorded? There aren't that many, and they would surely fit onto one cd. I've just read  the Barricelli & Weinstein biography and came away more curious than satisfied...


In the worklist @ Wikipedia, would those be some of his works described as just being "for four female voices" or four voices, for instance (not a very helpful thing, since it doesn't distinguish between solo or choral, 4vv or f[emale] ch[orus]...) e.g. ... (e.g. Opp.6, 12 & 16 motets)?


ah. seems possibly so though I can find no recordings of these motets... (some may not have been published until after his death.)


I can't find any either. Thanks for replying :)


Reading his catalogue at, it appears that he did not compose sacred choral works, except one motet, "Ave Maria", op. 6-1, for soprano, chorus, cello, harp and organ.
He composed a total of 10 motets (opp. 6, 12, 16 and 2 without opus) for solo voice, organ and occasionally some instrument.
To my knowledge, none has been recorded.


ah, all of those are for one voice? Ok. There are works of his listed as being for multiple voices (or 4 women's voices- which sometimes is shorthand for "4 solo or choral") but not all of those in the worklist I was looking at earlier (which is not an official worklist anyway...) were sacred works. Those that were, maybe need to have their instrumentation corrected. I do see a reference to the autograph score of some of the motets @ Worldcat (maybe BNF) which may provide some additional info, will have a look later today...


I should have specified "sacred vocal works", as the op.6, op.12 and op.16 motets are for "voice" or "voices"...
As small as his output is it amazes me that they have not been recorded...


Maybe the search needs to be expanded to include more translations of the word "Motet" (e.g. ...) in (e.g.) library searches, in various different languages. I don't know. Hyperion didn't- I think?- include them in its Chausson songs series... but- hrm.

Will look a bit harder before quite giving up...


Ah, hello. A small amount- see this CD with his Pater noster (Op.16 no.3, 1891); and "Marins dévots à la Vierge Marie" - a song for v & pf - has been recorded several times including in the Hyperion set.


Quote from: eschiss1 on Friday 25 September 2015, 04:52
Ah, hello. A small amount- see this CD with his Pater noster (Op.16 no.3, 1891); and "Marins dévots à la Vierge Marie" - a song for v & pf - has been recorded several times including in the Hyperion set.

I've found the CD with Pater Noster.
The "Marins dévôts..." is a mélodie for voice and piano, text by poet Léon-Paul Fargue, without opus number, composed 1898. It's included in Chausson's complete songs by Timpani. But this set does not include any of the sacred works.


Thanks guys, really appreciate the help :)


There is a 1998 French EMI CD featuring Chausson's Cantata "La Légende de Sainte Cécile", op.22, which can also be considered a "sacred work". On the same CD you can hear Chausson's incidental score for Shakespeare's "La Tempête".
Very recommendable!


... that sounds to be a work that perhaps could be included in one of those compilation CDs that when (... rarely I guess) done well is -very- enjoyable and interesting too - Chausson's take on St Cecilia, a popular subject from the Baroque to more modern times (well, of course even more recently than Britten). The disc you mention sounds like one I might at least consider now that I have a small amount of gift-certificate-ish money...


I can recommend the Sainte Cécile disc very highly...