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More Rode VCs from Naxos

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 25 August 2015, 12:03

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Alan Howe

Gareth Vaughan

Alan Howe

But will I be able to distinguish one from the other - and these two from those already recorded?

Gareth Vaughan

Possibly not at first. But familiarity may reveal more. Anyway, they will be a pleasant listen. But oh to hear the Becker concerti, or the Litolff, or the Scharwenka or some of the others praised by Toskey.

Alan Howe

Quite. The concentration on the lesser VCs by the violinist-composers of the 19thC is quite baffling to me. There aren't any really outstanding works here - what we really want to hear are the VCs by much more accomplished composers, such as those Gareth mentions. Fortunately, we have now discovered the Lassen and the two Gernsheims are due out in a matter of weeks. But there are many, many works more deserving of recording than these Rode soundalikes.

Alan Howe

This is a well-performed, thoroughly attractive disc which I am delighted to have heard. VC8 is a fine piece - probably one of Rode's best.

For true inspiration, however, I refer you to Franz Clement...

Richard Moss


I have downloaded the 2 latest albums of Rode VCs (I already had the previous two) from e-music and thoroughly enjoyed them both.  I'm not a skilled enough listener (I'm busy doing other jobs while it's on) to pick out individual points but I think that both the compositions and playing are very rewarding without being outstandingly memorable (I'd agree the Lassen or Clement are of a different cloth altogether, but then Rode was also from an earlier era = is this significant?

By the way, I e-mailed Mr (Prof) Eichhorn and he kindly confirmed the last 2 VCs will be available some time next year.  He also said he had written a long article on Rode (in German) in the new FONO FORUM magazine.

Best wishes


Alan Howe

Thanks for all that information, Richard. Very interesting.