Really belatedly re Waelput's 2nd symphony

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 02 June 2015, 13:30

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This is responding to some threads in an archive of ours (and something on Youtube). (Also was looking Waelput's name up since there's now a category for the composer on

Was searching for Waelput's name on and found this, which I think may be the recording of his 2nd symphony that is on YouTube and in our archives:

Titre   Symfonie nr 2 in Es : allegro risoluto-Andante cantabile-Menuet-Allegro commodo.
Auteur   Hendrik Waelput
Éditeur‌   [S.l.] : [s.n.], [s.d.]
Annotations   Concert Vlaamse Muziek "Van Benoit tot Heden"
Philharmonie van Antwerpen o.l.v. Frits Celis
Cote de l'ouvrage   Tape 38 (MUS) (Magasin - Section Musique : Etage +4)

(Well, it's not a new recording or broadcast... admittedly, it might not fit on this board anywhere at all, but if fits here anywhere, it fits here...)


Just a question: is this really the Waelput's Second Symphony? The Dutch Wikipedia entry on Waelput (there's only that one and the Catalan one) mentions two symphonies from 1875: the second in E flat major, and the Fourth (the "National", no key mentioned). It stands to reason that Symphony No. 3 was also written in that year. The C major symphony could therefore be both the Third or the Fourth. Unfortunately, it's rather difficult to get more information about the man and his works, even from Flemish sources.

Edit: I just found a biography of Waelput by Eduard de Vynck from 1935; will have a look at that tomorrow. Sorry for the post, I should've checked that first.

Mark Thomas

We await the result of your researches with bated breath, Ilja.  ;)


Well Mark, you may breathe again.

Waelput wrote four symphonies, with a fifth one unfinished at the time of his death. They are:

Symphony No. 1 in D minor (1870)
Symphony No. 2 in E flat major (1875)
Symphony No. 3 in B minor (1875)
Symphony No. 4 in C major (1875)
Symphony No. 5 (only a Cantabile movement finished)

Source: Edward de Vynck 1935, Henry Waelput. Brussels.
De Vynck gives the movements as the E flat major symphony as Allegro risoluto - Andante cantabile - Minute (Allegretto) - Finale: allegro commodo - as Eric mentioned. The recording is therefore definitely the 2nd symphony, but it is not in C major - someone got it confused with the Fourth.

For those interested, here are Waelput's other works:

Festive Overture
Ouverture de Concert for small orchestra in C minor
Overture Fantasy in C minor

Various orchestral pieces
Kwartentanz (Berlin 1868)
Sérénade with flute solo
Nederlandsche Hymnen (1872)
Marche des Geux (Hulde aan de Geuzen), Festive March
Hulde aan Hans Memlinc (1871)
Suite pour orchestre (1874).
Hulde aan Conscience (1881)

For brass band
Musical piece for a Society in Dijon, France (1874)

Chamber Music
Quintet for two violins, two violas and cello
Cantabile for four violas

Het Woud, after a poem by Karel Versnayen (1867).
Memlinc-Kantate, after a poem by Eugeen van Oye (1871).
De Zegen der Wapens, after a poem by Eugeen van Oye (1872)
De Pacificatie van Gent, after a poem by Emmanuel Hiel (1876)

Dramatic Works
La Ferme du Diable, comic opera in two acts, after Victor Wilder and Ernest Houdet (1865).
Stella, lyrical drama in five acts after Teirlynck-Styns (1881).
Berken the diamond-cutter, after Karel Versnayen (1868).

Songs (with piano accompaniment)
Alles bloeit
Kunstontheffing, met eene stem en klavierbegeleiding (unpublished; 1878)
Ontwaking, met eene stem en klavierbegeleiding (unpublished; 1891)
Hoe gij mij in 't herte lacht, met eene stem en klavierbegel eiding
(unpublished; 1892)
Aimons toujours, romance (1861)
La plus jolie (1861)
L'Hirondelle envolée, rêverie (1861)
Si j'étais fleur, mélodie (1863)
De Groote Maaiers (K. Versnayen)
Vooruit (idem)
Gondellied (idem)
Droomen en minnen (idem)
Six poems by Eugeen van Oye (1872)
Verre (Th. Coopman; 1875)
De Droefheid kwam (Eugeen van Oye; 1876)
De weide slaapt (Eugeen van Oye)
Sixy Poems by Eugeen van Oye (1891)
Minne- en Wiegelied (Van Oye; 1878)
Een Lied (Gij zijt mijn reine ker ouwe ) (Eug. van Oye),
Nineteen songs on texts by Karel Versnayen
For Male Choir (without accompaniment)
Wees Man (Eug. van Oye; 1871)
Spring Song (Eug. van Oye; 1876)
Song of the Sea (Eug. van Oye; 1878)
The Oak (Th. Coopman; 1881)
Choir with wind ensemble
Broedergroet (N. Destanberg; 1872)

Piano Music
Ouverture martiale by Mengal, for six-hand piano (1859)
Ida, redowa de salon (1861)
Triumphal March for the inauguration of Jacob Van Artevelde's statue (1863)
Piano reduction of Bouchard d'Avesne by Karel Miry (1864)
Piano reduction of Stella's droom, Symphonisch Menuet.
Piano reduction of Kwartentanz, Memlinc marsch.

Other instruments
Concerto symphonique for flute (1866)
Romance for horn (1879)

p.s. I tried to make bulleted lists, but the forum software kept injecting code so I gave up. This'll have to do.




Btw, the vocal score of the 5 act grand opera Bouchard d'Avesnes has been digitized here. (Oh... Whoops, silly Eric needs to read. Miry's music, Waelput's reduction.)