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Suppé: Der Teufel auf Erden

Started by mikehopf, Saturday 13 July 2019, 11:00

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This year is Suppe's bicentennial so hopefully we'll be hearing a lot more of his tuneful operettas , of which he wrote a bundle!

Tonight on Deutschlandfunk Radio:

Opernbühne: Theater Chemnitz
Aufnahme vom 03./04.06.2019

Franz von Suppé ,Der Teufel auf Erden'
Fantastisch-burleske Operette auf ein Libretto von Karl Juin und Julius Hopp
Textliche Neufassung: Alexander Kuchinka
Musikalische Revision: Jakob Brenner

Ruprecht – Alexander Kuchinka, Sängerschauspieler
Rupert – Matthias Winter – Bariton
Mutter Aglaja – Dagmar Schellenberger, Sopran
Oberst Donnersbach – Gerhard Ernst, Sängerschauspieler
Amanda/ Amalia/ Amira – Marie Hänsel, Sopran
Isabella/ Isolde/ Iska – Sophia Maeno, Mezzosopran
Isidor/ Isbert/ Ismail – Andreas Beinhauer, Bariton
Reinhart/ Reinwald/ Reiner – Reto Rosin, Tenor
Haderer/ Thomas/ Vizeleutnant Nebel/ Herr Kappe – Matthias Otte, Sängerschauspieler
Tanzschulleiter – Carsten Knödler, Schauspieler

Opernchor der Theater Chemnitz
Leitung: Jakob Brenner


If you think you have the whole operetta I'm afraid I must disappoint you. Nigh on 50 minutes are missing. I guess it's dialogue which in the second part I thought dragged on a bit long a couple of times when I saw it in Chemnitz!

Alan Howe

If it's only the dialogue that's been cut short, surely we can all rejoice..?


Sorry I missed this. Did anyone happen to record this broadcast and is able to download?  I thought Deutschland Kultur archived their concert and opera programs, but apparently not this one.


I've uploaded a file of the broadcast of Franz von Suppé's Der Teufel auf Erden.
The broadcast from 03./04.06.2019 is obviously a version recorded separately to the stage version. The dialogue has been shortened and a narrator introduced to link actions that are not apparent for listeners. As a result there is no stage noise and the dialogue is very distinct, which it was not in the theatre without surtitles.
The orchestral piece at the beginning of act 3 is Suppé's overture to Die Frau Meisterin (The Lady Mistress)

Alan Howe


Yes, thank you, indeed.  Most enjoyable, in the way that a good Strauss waltz can be.

The bounty of melody never ceases to amaze. Imagine how much more waits out there... For sheer volume of works unsung and unrecorded, von Suppe is one of the first names in my book.


Would anyone happen to have the libretto for the vorspiel (overture) in the first 4 and a half minutes?


There's vocal score at:é,_Franz_von)

Act 1 here has become the "Vorspiel" in the Chemnitz production!
