Nancy Dalberg string quartets from Dacapo

Started by regriba, Thursday 22 August 2019, 10:19

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A new recording of the three string quartets by Nancy Dalberg (1881-1949) will be released on Dacapo in September

The second quartet has already been recorded by Dacapo, but the first and third quartets are world premiere recordings. The music is quite clearly influenced by Carl Nielsen, as is to be expected, since Dalberg was a close friend of him and sometimes helped him out with scoring etc. when he was busy.

A new biography of Dalberg and her contemporary Hilda Sehested (another of Nielsen's friends and sometimes allies in his struggles against the Danish music establishment) will also be published shortly, unfortunately for most people here only in Danish.

By the way, as can be seen at the bottom of the webpage referred to above, Dacapo will also bring out a disc of chamber works by Emil Hartmann in November, but as yet there are no details of works.

Alan Howe