Sterndale Bennett chamber works

Started by eschiss1, Saturday 01 September 2018, 20:49

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upcoming on Naxos- string quartet WoO 17, chamber (piano) trio Op.26 in A and sextet Op.8 in F-sharp minor (some overlap in material with a Marco Polo recording issued aways back, but different performers.) Naxos 8.571379.

Martin Eastick

Good news indeed! I've been waiting for the promised String Quartet performance by the Villiers Quartet to be released for some time now and was rather concerned that it would never appear but here at last........! Now let's hope that the Moscheles D minor quartet may not be too long in the queue!


Yes, I agree, Martin. I'll get this for the String Quartet alone.
Moscheles - yes please!  ;)


Has anyone heard this Sterndale Bennet recording? I have and I think it sounds like it was recorded with tin cans on strings. I'm surprised Naxos released it. The Sextet is worst effected.


I have to disagree about the recording quality. I find the samples on the Naxos webpage warm and friendly, despite the slightly 'reverberant' recording venue. That aside, the music is charming and - for me at least - will be worth every penny as soon as I can get a copy. If you have one, Hector, and you really don't like it, you could always post it to me!!  ;D


I would be glad to post it on.

I really do find the string sound lacks any resonance - it sounds like they are using really cheap strings, and the piano sound is harsh. The recording is a disservice to the performers and composer IMHO. I can usually tolerate poor recordings and concentrate on the music but this is too distracting. I got a friend to have a listen and she agreed.

Anyway - happy to post on so long as you don't live in outer Mongolia or some such remoteness...


Well would you believe it?!

I just put the Sterndale Bennett Cd on again to check I wasn't mistaken and noticed the bass and treble nobs had been twiddled - we had a toddler here at the weekend, it must of been him!

Bass and treble back to normal the Cd sounds fine, even if the recording space is a little unforgiving.

I will still send it on as I said I would. I'm delighted to find it is Ok.


I was typing tongue-in-cheek really Hector, and now that you've exposed the culprit I wouldn't expect you to pass on the CD! I just pleased that you can now enjoy WSB's music.... :)


I have the Marco Polo recording of the Sextet and Sonata Duo which gives a performance of the Sextet that I prefer. I purchased the Naxos recording for the Quartet and Trio. Having heard them a few times I would be happy to pass on the Cd, I'm not someone who keeps every Cd I hear. I suppose the performers and Naxos would rather another Cd be purchased than one passed on. Anyway, tongue in cheek or no I am happy to post on to a fellow WSB fan.