Lyadov: Complete Piano Music [Box set]

Started by herrarte, Tuesday 02 August 2011, 01:35

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I like the Hyperion recording of some piano music, but the Toccata Vol. 1 left me cold. So I dunno.


My copy is on the way. I loved Rapetti's disc of Borodin piano works, so I have high hopes for the Lyadov box!


I considered this too but figured as I've started collecting the Toccata set, it would be best to leave it.  I was very impressed with that disc but also like the Hyperion one too.


I have several CDs of his Piano music and 2 old Melodiya LPs, one by Nikolayeva and the other by Ginzburg, but the review for this Box Set is better than the Borodin one played by (the same pianist) Rapetti. At the price of $18 I figured I'd risk it, and if not satisfied I can always sell it on eBay.  I don't think that I'll go that far, but for the sake of Completeness, I ordered it. Maybe Toccata will finish the series before the end of the Decade,  ;D who knows? In the meantime I'll have this Box Set.  :)