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Another Schmidt 4 from Japan

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 04 March 2020, 23:14

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I don't know if this is easily available outside of Japan, but going through Amazon approaches $60.

Alan Howe

I found it for less than that, but it was still very expensive. I have been buying a small number of Japanese CDs in order to assess performance and audio standards in mostly standard repertoire, but with a few forays into less familiar territory. I have been very impressed with the general quality of their orchestras and there are also some very fine conductors whose names are hardly known in the West. Fascinating.


Hi Alan,
    Over the years I have been aware  of the high-quality classical recordings issued solely for the Japanese home market. In fact, many have found their way (with great difficulty) into my various discographies. I'm curious to know how you go about searching for these elusive Japanese CDs?

Many thanks,


Alan Howe

Hi Mike,

Good to hear from you.

I have no real answer to your question, except that I have been ploughing my way through and, following links wherever I come across them. Most of the stuff I'm turning up is standard repertoire (e.g. there's some very fine Bruckner from a number of conductors, both Japanese and non-Japanese), but just occasionally I'm finding more obscure stuff.

So the answer is that there's no system to my searches - it's all pretty random really, although following particular conductors can be quite productive.

Alan Howe

...talking of conductors, I am persuaded that the best of the lot is Ken-ichiro Kobayashi. If you come across him in any repertoire you're interested in, give him a punt. His performances are generally expansive but not slow and he favours a traditional, full orchestral sound. Absolutely no sign of HIP...


Thanks Alan,
   I'll try plowing through as well.. They have a superb classical recording industry over there and I can't figure out why they are reluctant to share it with the rest of the world.

Alan Howe

Trouble is, it's an expensive hobby...

Alan Howe

My copy of the CD arrived today from Japan and I'm now listening to one of Japan's premier orchestras in this wonderful music. Something tells me that neither the band nor their conductor (Kazushi Ono - a  student of Sawallisch and Patanè) has anything to fear from their western counterparts.

Alan Howe

My opinion is that Kazushi Ōno's performance is as good if not better than most of the competition - more considered than Welser-Möst (who rushes the first movement), for example. The sound is spectacular and the playing world-class. If you can afford it, get hold of this disc!