Stanford "The Veiled Prophet" on Radio 3

Started by joelingaard, Friday 17 April 2020, 18:46

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I heard this broadcast and was not aware it was a repeat (the Radio Times did not indicate it as such). It was a major discovery for me and I hope there will be a CD as I should love to hear it again. Thank you for the detail about the Overture - how very interesting. I have a friend who is something of a Stanford expert and shall ask him about it, and report back.

Incidentally I thought the choral writing was absolutely outstanding throughout the work.


Thank you Joel! I shall listen today once again!

I shall report on the Overture just as soon as I can reach my old friend.


The overture @ Marco Polo is definitely the one from the 1881 vocal score, not 1893, both of which vocal scores are available @ IMSLP. Quickly listening to the Marco Polo overture opening, it goes D A - D D A, not F# F# Es Es Cis D Cis B Cis Cis(held) (as the prelude opens.)