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Zelenski's opera "Janek"

Started by Martin Eastick, Wednesday 10 May 2023, 12:24

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Martin Eastick

This world première recording from Naxos of Zelenski's opera "Janek" should be well worth having, and although opera is not my speciality by any stretch of the imagination, Zelenski's music always has much to offer! Therefore, a "must-buy" for me!

Mark Thomas

Oh, yes, for me too. Thanks, Martin.

Alan Howe

A must for me also! Zelenski's a very fine composer.

Don't expect world-class singing, though. The tenor lead's hardly Placido Domingo! He sounds pretty provincial, sadly. Buy this, in other words, because we'll likely never get another recording...

Alan Howe

Janek turns out to be acceptably, if somewhat rawly sung (i.e. in the Slavonic manner).

The opera has plenty of striking writing for both orchestra and voices. It has been suggested that this is Zelenski's attempt to jump on the fashionable verismo bandwagon but, although the date (1896) is right, I am reminded more of Gounod/Massenet, albeit with a distinct Polish folk influence.

Well worth a listen - especially at Naxos' price. Overall summary: not particularly memorable, but enjoyable.

Alan Howe

Act 2 turns out to have considerably more impact than Act 1. It's here that Zelenski comes closest to verismo, although my overall feeling is that the idiom is better compared with, say, Tchaikovsky than with the veristi.

Do get hold of this recording if you can. It's extremely entertaining, often exciting and well performed by the Lublin orchestra and chorus. As I said before, the soloists aren't top-notch, but there's plenty to enjoy - and come back to. The ending is truly stirring. Zelenski was clearly a composer of considerable skill.