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J B Foerster: Jessika

Started by mikehopf, Thursday 10 March 2022, 08:58

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Operní večer: Josef Bohuslav Foerster: Jessika
Komická opera o třech dějstvích podle Williama Shakespeara
V hlavních rolích: Zdenka Hrnčířová, Věra Krilová, Zdeněk Otava, Theodor Šrubař, Přemysl Kočí, Ladislav Mráz, Ivo Žídek a další. Spoluúčinkují Pěvecký sbor Československého rozhlasu v Praze a Symfonický orchestr Pražského rozhlasu, řídí Jaroslav Vogel. Historický, digitálně remasterovaný snímek z roku 1949, uvádíme k březnovému 120. výročí narození barytonisty Zdeňka Otavy. Spoluúčinkuje Martina Kolajová, připravil a hovoří Vojtěch Babka. (3 hrs.)

Based on Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice.

On Czech Radio3 this Saturday night.


Now that's a treasured find indeed which certainly warrants a direct-from-broadcast taping initiative as this is a once-in-a-blue-moon heaven sent opportunity not to be missed. This is especially so if this Czech FM Classics radio network is within receiving range of any bordering Austro-Germanic-Polish-Slovakian counties or provinces where this music forum's members happen to reside and are thus able to record it in full.

Previously what Czech Radio aired were generally piecemeal bits of operatic excerpts and arias taken from vintage radio broadcast recordings of some Jessika segments from its archival vaults, even then very sparingly so from the 1950s onwards, and virtually none on official record in more recent decades. However, the lengthier more complete performances of this (singularly recorded?) long forgotten JBF opera, his third of six, was given an airing on 4 occasions way back in 1949. Question is will Czech Radio grant Supraphon or its own in-house label the temporary licensing rights to issue this performance as a commercial recording just as it did with the compilation of that bulky Karel Ancerl anthology collection featuring those Vitezslav Novak orchestral rarities.

Mark Thomas

Alan Howe

The sound is clear, but obviously elderly; however, the singing's pretty good - undoubtedly better than anything we'd get today. For that reason alone it'd be well worth a commecial release.


Most glad to receive this joyous tiding. :) Perhaps the Arco Diva - Naxos joint enterprise now undertaking the much awaited recordings and releases of JBF and V. Novak orchestral works under Marek Stilec's direction will have a go at embarking on a modern (and no doubt somewhat exorbitant) production of this much glossed over operatic work that is certainly worthy of a revival. ;)