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Updating UnsungComposers

Started by Mark Thomas, Sunday 05 June 2022, 10:24

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Mark Thomas

During the next few hours the software which powers the forum will be updated. This should be a straightforward process, but will involve UC being offline for a short while. Please bear with us.

Mark Thomas

Apologies to everyone who tried to visit UC during what turned out to be an eight hour update process. It looks a little different now and I still need to carry out a few tweeks to its appearance and features etc,, but it works in just the same way. Please let me know if you experience any problems using the new-look forum.


Mark, I'm sure they weren't of your devising, but the conditions I've agreed to comply with (for the first time in any web forum, unless in the past the small print was always better hidden) seem absurdly, even offensively dictatorial. Of course none of your regular contributors could be accused of  vulgarity ("lacking sophistication or good taste") but to disbar three quarters of the population..!

Mark Thomas

Steve, no, they come standard with the installation and a) I didn't realise that existing members had to agree to them again, and b) that they were so all embracing. I hadn't even looked at them, to be honest, as there was so much more important jiggery pokery I had to do to get the update to work properly before UC could go back online. I'll take a look and remove the sillier things - but the vulgarity condition stays, naturally!


We just have to check that any music we promote is in 3/4, 5/4, 7/4, anything but common time.

Mark Thomas


I've twice tried the quick edit feature on posts (Chrome 102.0.5005.61 - which is updating, now that I check, but I don't know if that's the problem :) - on an iMac retina 4k running OS 12.3.1) and I'm not sure that the edits "take".

Mark Thomas

I'm using Chrome 102.0.5005.115 on Windows to post this message using Quick Edit, Eric, and it's worked fine. As far as I can see the support site for the forum software hasn't any reports of problems either. Has anyone else here had a problem posting using Quick Edit?