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B. Stavenhagen 2nd PC

Started by reineckeforever, Monday 25 July 2011, 10:21

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Hi, does anybody know Stavenhagen's 2nd PC?
I know it isn't orchestrated by the composer, the only material existing was a two piano reduction.
I think there is only a recording on a CD released in Germany. It is a strange concerto, full of shadows whit a superb piano writing and I also like the scoring, that suggests sometimes a mahlerian atmosphere.
I'd like to exchange some opinion about it. Bye, Andrea

Gareth Vaughan

If you are referring to the EBS disk, also containing the 3 Orchesterlied, I have this recording, but I have not played it for a long time - nor am I likely to again. The piano writing is extremely effective - as one would expect. The orchestration is, however, an abomination - the very acme of bad taste. It is not remotely faithful to Stavenhagen's style. Cloying and sugary, it makes copious and excessive use of an instrument which the composer could not possibly have known about - the vibraphone. Stavenhagen died in 1914 - the first "vibraphone" (though differing markedly from the modern instrument) was manufactured by the Leedy company in the U.S. in 1921. If only someone would re-orchestrate it sympathetically we would have a first class piano concerto, instead of the ghastly travesty displayed on this CD.

Alan Howe