Michael Herman's National Orchestral Discography Pages

Started by albion, Saturday 05 March 2011, 08:29

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Mykulh, a great job, and very, very useful. But might I be so free to point out that at least two works in the 'totally unrecorded' list of Belgian symphonies have in fact been recorded?:

- Lodewijk Mortelmans: Homerische Symphonie .
- François Rasse, Romantische Symfonie (recorded in the eighties I think, by the BRT Omroeporkest under Daniel Sternefeld).

I'm also pretty sure Leo Moeremans' Vlaamse Symfonie was  recorded at some point in the 1950s, but I have not yet been able track that recording down.

p.s. looking through the list you might mean 'released' recordings - in which case I didn't say anything.


I was surprised not to find Ciurlionis listed among the Baltic composers. Must be missing something...

Alan Howe