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Bowen Syms 1 & 2 from Chandos

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 25 March 2011, 23:12

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Can one order copies direct from these people, or does permission still have to be sought from the Bowen family, as per the holdings of the RAM???



James de Wolfe has described the condition of their Bowen material as ranging from 'reasonable' to 'very poor', so I'm not sure what the situation is as regards reproduction. At present, negotiations are in hand to visit De Wolfe's central offices and examine the archive.  :)


Well done that man.

Sounds like the sooner they are examined and preserved the better.



What a crew!  You guys are indefatigable! 8)


And it's straight in at number 4.

The Specialist Classical Chart - what a marvellous idea, won't hear a word said against it!  ;)


The Chandos disc has been judged 'outstanding' in the June edition of International Record Review with an excellent write-up by Piers Burton-Page. Here are some excerpts:

York Bowen's Second Symphony has a blistering intensity about it that leaves you gasping, and certain that this is a composer with a sure grasp of that he wants to say, how he is going to say it and where he is going.

The playing in this wonderfully dramatic music is simply staggering. The recording matches it in quality.

The present release is essential listening: first, because it substantially expands our knowledge of a musician who was clearly neither an anachronism nor merely an Interesting Historical Figure; second, because it is hugely enjoyable on its own terms; and third, because it is so stunningly well played and executed: hence the red-letter nomination.

Bowen is credited with two more symphonies: No.4 I believe to be only an unfinished sketch. A bit of a mystery seems at present to surround No.3, listed in a publisher's catalogue as Op.137, but I understand not able thus far to be located. Our picture of this remarkable musician still needs rounding out. Did his symphonism change after 1909? Did musical fashions have any impact at all? Did the drive fade? It needs to be found, performed and recorded. Urgently.

No arguments from me!  ;)


Regarding the later works of Bowen, Ralph Couzens of Chandos posted a reply on their forum yesterday -

The manuscripts of some of the titles you mention are registered with DeWolfe but are in fact lost in a flood some years ago. Others are avialable but I'm afraid not the most important ones everyone is waiting for. We are currently investigating this with DeWolfe and will have some news in by July.

Myself and Gareth Vaughan have an appointment with DeWolfe next week to examine their holdings - I remain (cautiously) optimistic, as water damage may indeed account for James de Wolfe's description of the material as ranging from "reasonable to very poor".


I'm curious..... any updates reg. the elusive Symphony No. 3. If it is indeed lost is there any way we can hear the existing recording?


Re no.3 I think we used to have that recording "here", but it disappeared... bother. Hrm. Not on YouTube, either...


So the score hasn't survived i presume. Any chance it can be recreated using the recording?


There are I seem to recall two surviving performances recorded of no.3, so there might be a slightly better chance of something than with only the one. Such work is very conjectural and difficult (from what a friend who's done similar work's told me), especially when the sound quality is less than pristine...

Gareth Vaughan

Yes. It must be very difficult. I have the highest admiration for those who can carry out such reconstructions convincingly.

Mark Thomas

I have a copy of one of the recordings of Bowen's Third - BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra conducted by Ian Whyte. Once I find it (!), I'll upload it here.

Mark Thomas

My copy of a recording of a radio broadcast of Bowen's Third Symphony is now available in the Downloads Board here. Although there is noticeable hiss and plenty of crackles, the sound is tolerable considering the the age and source of the recording (1950s off-air). If anyone has a better recording, or one of the two other broadcast performances (conducted by Vilem Tausky and Sir Charles Groves), perhaps they could upload them too?

Alan Howe

Well, I still like Bowen's 2nd Symphony a lot. My latest audition had me thinking of Korngold, actually - and perhaps even late Rachmaninov. Try it out here - it's a fine tribute to Sir Andrew Davis' work in this corner of the repertoire: