More Philippe Gaubert from Timpani

Started by M. Henriksen, Thursday 21 April 2011, 18:03

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M. Henriksen

Timpani Records will be releasing a new disc with orchestral works by Philippe Gaubert, among them his Violin Concerto:

This is the third volume of Gaubert's orchestral music from Timpani, the former two releases have been discussed on the "Philippe Gaubert"-topic under Composers and Music.

I don't know much about these works, Cortège d'Amphitrite & Au pays basque seem to be symphonic poems composed in 1911 and 1930 respectively. The Violin Concerto dates from 1929 and Poème romanesque is a work for Cello and orchestra composed in 1932. I believe Gaubert composed enough orchestral works to fill a fourth volume as well!

I have certainly enjoyed these earlier releases, so I guess I'll give this one a go as well. No release date as of yet.


Alan Howe

Well, this is a lovely CD. The VC in particular is extraordinarily beautiful in places, with a rising main theme that may put you in mind of Delius' Walk to the Paradise Garden. At only a quarter of an hour in length, it's not exactly a major statement - but who cares? This is very grateful music, gratefully received (by me at any rate!)

M. Henriksen

I couldn't agree more with Alan, but for me the highlight on this disc is the two-movement symphonic poem Au pays basque. The first movement Au matin dans la montagne (Morning in the mountains) shows a great orchestrator at work, but the piece also includes several memorable tunes and moments. After listening to this piece a couple of times my thought was that this is "my discovery" of the year so far. Great stuff!



I would just like to add my most enthusiastic endorsement of Morten's observations on Gaubert's 'Au pays basque' :)

I only recently purchased this cd and was completely bowled over by the piece :)