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Sinding VCs from cpo

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 29 April 2011, 12:39

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A LITTLE gem in the GREAT D Major? It must be quite a concerto ;)!


Quote from: kyjo on Friday 10 August 2012, 23:59
A LITTLE gem in the GREAT D Major? It must be quite a concerto ;)!

It is ;-) !


I was enormously impressed by these concertos , especially the 2nd and 3rd, and reviewed it for Amazon a while ago.


Love the chapter and verse in your terrific review,  Revilrod. This release is now on my must-buy list.

Alan Howe

Yes, it's a review that accurately - and honestly - describes the music. If I hadn't bought the set before, I certainly would now, based on this assessment!


Your fascinating review has whetted my appetite, Revilod. I've listened to some audio samples and immediately ordered the set. And since I don't know his symphonies, I like to explore these as well. Thanks very much for putting your review under our attention.


Well...thanks very much for the encouraging remarks!


A late response, but only recently I bought the double CD featuring his 3 VCs. I was never quite enthusiastic about his PC, but his music for violin and orchestra is absolutely delightful. I think Sinding tried to find a style of his own, although I sometimes hear a mix between Bruch and Shostakovich (in the opening bars of the slow movements, especially in the 1st and 2nd). My favourite so far is his 2nd. A flow of captivating melodies, right from the start. The andante is ever so beautiful.
I can strongly recommend this cpo release for every connoisseur of the late romantic violin concerto.

Richard Moss


I too have recently acquired this 2-CD set (a recent birthday present for an item long on my 'wants' list).  I have to agree with your general sentiment of 'overflowing with lovely melodies'.  It has already received quite a few plays through in its entirety and remains on the side ready for some more! 

That 'melodious' aspect puts me in mind sometimes particularly of (i) Brahms Sym 3 and (ii) the 3-CD Philips set by Accardo of Bruch's violin concertante works (which also regularly get multiple plays).  Hard to exclude Brull, Draeseke and many others but unfortunately we can't have a complete list of all this wonderful music each time 'romantic' crops up.

Like beauty, without being able to absolutely define 'romantic' music, we all know it when we encounter it.

Best wishes
