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Started by Pengelli, Monday 03 January 2011, 16:29

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J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: Dundonnell on Thursday 29 December 2011, 03:56
Quote from: J.Z. Herrenberg on Thursday 29 December 2011, 00:20
I am very excited about the Brian items! Several of these performances are excellent - symphonies 15, 22 and 25 (I had them on tape cassette a long time ago). I'd love to hear Ave Atque Vale under Myer Fredman!

I don't understand ::)

Surely you knew that I had a recording of Symphony No.15 in its first performance by Stanley Pope ??? I could have uploaded it months ago. I MUST have told you.
I recorded all the Brian broadcast by the BBC in the 1970s. I will have No.25 as well :)

Oh well................. ;D     It's uploaded now ;D ;D

It is strange I never asked. Perhaps because I still had my cassette player a few years ago... Thanks!


Latvian - what a wonderful catalogue. I would certainly echo the following 'requests':

Quote from: dschfan on Thursday 29 December 2011, 02:12Any chance of you loading the Gipps, R  Piano Concerto (complete)? Would be appreciated.

Quote from: Greg K on Thursday 29 December 2011, 02:38
The Gregson & Woolrich Cello Concertos would especially please me.

Quote from: Dundonnell on Thursday 29 December 2011, 04:22Seoirse Bodley: Symphonies Nos. 1, 2 and 3
Iain Hamilton:   Jazz Trumpet Concerto
Alun Hoddinott: French Suite
Malcolm Lipkin:  Symphonies Nos. 2 and 3
John Pickard:     Symphony No.2
A.J.Potter:         Symphony No.2
Humphrey Searle: Labyrinth
Gerard Victory:  Symphonies Nos. 1 and 3
William Wordsworth: [Highland Overture; Sinfonia; Symphonic Study; Symposium; Theme and Variations]

There are, unfortunately, so many names on your list about whom I am in complete ignorance, but I would hope that it might be possible to also consider:

Bedford - Symphony No.1
Butterworth - Trumpet Concerto
Casken - Symphony; Violin Concerto
Fricker - Symphony No.2; Violin Concerto No.2
Gregson - Clarinet Concerto; Dream Song; Saxophone Concerto; Trombone Concerto
Harty - The Mystic Trumpeter
Lutyens - Chorale; Music for Orchestra II; Music for Orchestra IV; Nox; Rondel
Mathias - Psalm 150
Musgrave - Aurora; Concerto for Orchestra; Rainbow; Song of the Enchanter
Swayne - Symphony No.1



From Dundonnell -

Havergal Brian (1876-1972) - Symphony No.15 in A major (1960); Symphony No.25 in A minor (1965-66)

These were first performances: No.15 was recorded in 1976 and broadcast two years later (the same concert also included the premieres of Symphonies Nos.13 and 17 - both already in the archive). No.25 was also recorded in Brian's centenary year.

Many thanks, Colin.



From Dundonnell -

Havergal Brian (1876-1972) - Symphony No.2 in E minor (1930-31)

The sound on this recording of Mackerras' 1979 broadcast, in spite of some tape 'woosh', has more presence and clarity than the transcription already in the archive.


J.Z. Herrenberg

Many thanks for the three Brianic additions! I'm going to check No. 2 at once.


QuoteLatvian - what a wonderful catalogue. I would certainly echo the following 'requests':

Quote from: dschfan on Today at 02:12
Any chance of you loading the Gipps, R  Piano Concerto (complete)? Would be appreciated.

Quote from: Greg K on Today at 02:38
The Gregson & Woolrich Cello Concertos would especially please me.

Quote from: Dundonnell on Today at 04:22
Seoirse Bodley: Symphonies Nos. 1, 2 and 3
Iain Hamilton:   Jazz Trumpet Concerto
Alun Hoddinott: French Suite
Malcolm Lipkin:  Symphonies Nos. 2 and 3
John Pickard:     Symphony No.2
A.J.Potter:         Symphony No.2
Humphrey Searle: Labyrinth
Gerard Victory:  Symphonies Nos. 1 and 3
William Wordsworth: [Highland Overture; Sinfonia; Symphonic Study; Symposium; Theme and Variations]

There are, unfortunately, so many names on your list about whom I am in complete ignorance, but I would hope that it might be possible to also consider:

Bedford - Symphony No.1
Butterworth - Trumpet Concerto
Casken - Symphony; Violin Concerto
Fricker - Symphony No.2; Violin Concerto No.2
Gregson - Clarinet Concerto; Dream Song; Saxophone Concerto; Trombone Concerto
Harty - The Mystic Trumpeter
Lutyens - Chorale; Music for Orchestra II; Music for Orchestra IV; Nox; Rondel
Mathias - Psalm 150
Musgrave - Aurora; Concerto for Orchestra; Rainbow; Song of the Enchanter
Swayne - Symphony No.1

OK, I will endeavor to fulfill requests as time and availability permit!


  Hello Latvian,

  What a wonderful list :D
  My hope are Symphonies by Arnell and Bate.  If it is possible...


Haydn Wood is always good. Didn't any other familiar names in the 'light music' realm though.



That's a great collection you have there. I would particularly like to hear the symphony by William Baines, if you have time to upload it.


The upload with all those Brian pieces links to the zip of the Groves conducted version of the Gothic, not all the rest of those.


QuoteThe upload with all those Brian pieces links to the zip of the Groves conducted version of the Gothic, not all the rest of those.

Thanks for letting me know. The correct URL is now there!


Update on the movements of Gipps 5- a source gives the movement headers in full (I previously had just the finale, Missa brevis for Orchestra.., maybe others had the rest too but...) -

Sym 5 (dedicated to William Walton) 1982 prem. 1983
#Allegro vivace- Maestoso
#Finale: Missa brevis for Orchestra

(from Wright's Gipps PDF, so it wasn't hard to find - that said I hope in turn that it's reliable. The first movement is a bit more complicated than Allegro vivace-- Maestoso actually and the third probably has some indication other than just Scherzo, at a guess.)


A whole lorry load of fantastic new British Music uploads in the last 24 hours ;D ;D

It is hard to know where to start in thanking those who have uploaded. John(Albion) is away for the weekend; otherwise he would be posting, quite properly, ahead of me.

Latvian has uploaded a quite marvellous collection of Havergal Brian and I know for certain one Dutch member of this site who will be absolutely ecstatic to hear some of these recordings.

I know that I am excited to hear the English Suite No.4 at last, the Fredman versions of Symphony No.22 and Ave atque vale plus the Newstone Symphony No.30 and the Igloi version of the Cello Concerto.

I should point out that Latvian has uploaded Symphony No.15(Stanley Pope)-which I uploaded a few days ago-and Symphony No.22(Heltay)-which is also already in the British Music Collection. :)

Albion will obviously want to make a decision on which are the best recorded of the duplicate versions. I am certainly perfectly happy to cede my recording of the 15th symphony if Latvian's recording is superior ;D

Also great thanks to Sicmu for the Lipkin Symphony No.2 and the Naftel-a completely new composer to me.

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: Dundonnell on Sunday 01 January 2012, 15:58
Latvian has uploaded a quite marvellous collection of Havergal Brian and I know for certain one Dutch member of this site who will be absolutely ecstatic to hear some of these recordings.

I know that I am excited to hear the English Suite No.4 at last, the Fredman versions of Symphony No.22 and Ave atque vale plus the Newstone Symphony No.30 and the Igloi version of the Cello Concerto.

I should point out that Latvian has uploaded Symphony No.15(Stanley Pope)-which I uploaded a few days ago-and Symphony No.22(Heltay)-which is also already in the British Music Collection. :)

Albion will obviously want to make a decision on which are the best recorded of the duplicate versions. I am certainly perfectly happy to cede my recording of the 15th symphony if Latvian's recording is superior ;D

Did someone mention me?... Yes, I'm extremely glad to see these uploads appear in due course [Latvian: OK, I will endeavor to fulfill requests as time and availability permit!]! Btw, John Pickard's Symphony No. 2 is a very interesting piece, too...


I have recordings from the 1970s of the following Havergal Brian Symphonies:

Nos. 4, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31 and 32

I am perfectly willing to upload in the possibility that they may be better in sound quality than the versions currently on the site.
Nos. 31 and 32 will be new additions :)

I shall not take offence if any or all are deemed inferior ;D ;D ;D