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Started by Pengelli, Monday 03 January 2011, 16:29

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J.Z. Herrenberg

I'd say - let it be. I know that the pitches aren't as they should be, but I get a clear sense of the playing and of Downes' view of the piece...

John Whitmore

Quote from: J.Z. Herrenberg on Thursday 31 May 2012, 21:47
I'd say - let it be. I know that the pitches aren't as they should be, but I get a clear sense of the playing and of Downes' view of the piece...
I'll still have another crack at it but tomorrow is Brass Band contest so I'm off air! :)


jowcol, regarding the Hoddinott Taliesin.... for which many thanks  :) .... is this the BBC National Orchestra of Wales?

The names seem to change so often that I can't keep track, so it may not be! I wonder what was wrong with "the BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra" as a name.

In any case, at least the word "Orchestra" is retained! Here, the great symphony orchestras have had the word dropped from their titles, so we now have "the Sydney Symphony" ...... crazy. We have accepted for over a century that a symphony is a musical composition, not a group of musicians. I hate all this name changing, just to be considered fashionable or''cool' or 'hip' or 'PC' - or whatever it is nowadays. >:(


"Sydney Symphony" reminds me of those cartoons called 'Silly Symphonies' that used to be on the television


I echo the thanks for the Hoddinott 'Taliesin' :)


Quote from: eschiss1 on Wednesday 30 May 2012, 01:22

Maybe the third track is movements 3 and 4 together.

Indeed it is. The fourth movement starts at about 4.10 on the recording.

I posted the full score on Pianophilia a little while ago. It should still be there  if you wish to follow the recording score in hand.



Just from a momentary listen, I think there's a problem with the Hinton Symphony No 1.  It would seem that the first file and the fourth file are identical, and that either the first movement or the finale is missing; I think the former.  So it both starts and ends with the finale.  Somebody check me on this.  The applause at the end is identical and so is the beginning and end of the movement.


Rats.  I overlooked the  Havergal Brian Faust Prologue file already here, so I've put up a repeat.  Sorry.  I think it does have somewhat better sound, but it's hardly a major upload. :-[


Many thanks to MVS for sharing his copies of the Prologue to Havergal Brian's opera Faust (1954-56) and Symphony No.23 (1965).

Quote from: MVS on Friday 01 June 2012, 01:19it's hardly a major upload. :-[

I think it does count as a major upload, since it presents with enhanced clarity an example of what is still a largely unknown area of Brian's output, his operatic writing.



I had another problem with Hinton 1- odd reported audio length (huge!)- the first time I downloaded it and just not at all sure what to make of it, but uploading the files to iTunes seems to have fixed that problem- I think; need to listen... will report soon...


Quote from: JimL on Friday 01 June 2012, 01:07
Just from a momentary listen, I think there's a problem with the Hinton Symphony No 1.  It would seem that the first file and the fourth file are identical, and that either the first movement or the finale is missing; I think the former.  So it both starts and ends with the finale.  Somebody check me on this.  The applause at the end is identical and so is the beginning and end of the movement.

Yes, the first and last files are the same, so we appear to be missing the opening movement.


Mark Thomas

Yes, I am covered in shame! Obviously I inadvertently numbered a second copy of the finale as the first movement before uploading the work. My apologies to everyone. Unfortunately, I'm unable to rectify the problem until the beginning of next week when I'll re-upload the Zip file with the correct first movement. I've added a health warning to the post in the Downloads board as an interim measure and shall now crawl away into a dark corner and sob.


No worries, at least it's a problem that can be solved - looking forward to hearing the opening movement in due course!


John Whitmore

I've had a go at pitch correcting the Brian 21/Downes. It's as good as I could get it due to the constant changes of tape speed but it's not a million miles away. The 3rd movement isn't exactly mercurial is it? I prefer Eric's version. According to the HBS website Eric takes 29 mins and Downes 22. This isn't right - Downes clocks in at 30. Anyway make of it what you will:

J.Z. Herrenberg