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Polish Music

Started by Mark Thomas, Friday 22 July 2011, 18:51

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as to Zelenski again

do you know his Piano quartet in C minor op. 61 ? I do not say it is a masterpiece but there is such composition - form not very frequent in Polish music of late 19th/beginning of 20th century. It was issued years ago on Olympia with Pf Quartet by Noskowski. Polish label Acte prealable is about to release ne CD with Zelenski's quartet as well as 2nd volume of his piano music.

It is (quartet) in fact more traditional and of lesser invention than the piano Quintet by Juliusz Zarębski (1854-1985) that is commonly considered as the best Polish chamber piece after Chopin!
I can also name Pf Quintet by Rozycki (only radio recording).

OK I can see I am far away from the symphonic music.

Alan Howe

The Zelenski/Noskowski CD was one of my first experiences of Zelenski's music and the Piano Quartet is a truly lovely work. I certainly regard Zelenski as one of the nineteenth century's finest unknown composers - and I believe that, as with Noskowski, there is a clearly discernible development in his compositional style, which is one of the signs of a really good composer.


Rozycki- is the Ballade the Balladyna opus 25, or some other work?... Thanks! (Actually, need to check whether it's announced on your CD first- whoops :) )


Hello eschiss1

no, according to my source (small book on Rozycki) Balladyna is a solo piano piece of 1909 while Ballada is a piece for piano and orchestra of 1904 (released in 60/70s on LP by Polskie Nagrania with Regina Smendzianka (died few days ago) and then reissued on CD by Olympia and now on CD by Acte Prealable). Pf quintet is of 1913.
Rozycki composed 7 operas, 3 ballets (most famous is Pan Twardowski - exists on CD),  symphonic poems and small number of ochestral music, nice Sonata for cello and piano

His opera Eros and Psyche was released few years ago on CD by Polskie Nagrania.



Hrm. The 3 minute "Ballade" by Rozycki played by the pianist seems to be neither of those- maybe it's part of a set of piano pieces...


Hello eschiss1

oo, I can see what Ballad you mean - the piece played by Kędara and upload by me few days ago. in fact, its neither Balladyna op. 25 (Poem for piano) nor Ballada for pf and orch op. 18. It must be a part of a piano cycle, perhaps op. 15 - 3 Morceaux or op. 37 - Polish Dances?

I do have a number of his piano music recorded - must check.
symphonic poems are also nice, good orchestrated with nice melodies, e.g. Stanczyk. Ballet Pan Twardowski includes also very tuneful themes.


Quote from: A.S on Tuesday 20 September 2011, 13:50

Hello Marek

I checked Polish radio broadcast program at this June and I surprising to see Live performance of Stojowski's symphony!
And I interesting to your Chwedczuk's recording :D



Dear A.S.

As I mentioned before on nearest Sunday Polish Radio will rebroadcast the concert performance of the Nowowiejski's opera "Legend of Baltic" It was done last Satturday in Warsaw. I am not sure I can catch it off radio as I have problems with recording online. Will ou be able to recoed it? Or someone else can do it?

here you have a note from their website, Program 2, Filharmonia Dwójki, 25 Sep. at. 19.00 European time

19:00 Filharmonia Dwójki
Informacje o audycji:

Inauguracja sezonu koncertowego 2011/2012 Polskiej Orkiestry Radiowej (Studio Koncertowe Polskiego Radia im. Witolda Lutosławskiego, 8.09.2011)
Feliks Nowowiejski Legenda Bałtyku – opera w trzech aktach
wyk. Pavlo Tolstoy – tenor (Doman), Aleksander Teliga – bas (Mestwin), Ewa Biegas – sopran (Bogna), Agnieszka Makówka – mezzosopran (Swatawa), Michał Partyka – baryton (Tomir), Robert Gierlach – bas-baryton (Lubor), Chór Filharmonii Narodowej, Polska Orkiestra Radiowa, dyr. Łukasz Borowicz

Gerhard Griesel

Thanks for this exciting info about Polish composers. I buy from Amazon, and a check there was disappointing. There are only a few sound samples available, and the CDs on offer are generally expensive. Any advice as to where I should look?


Mark Thomas

Mark, I'll have a go at recording the Nowowiejski opera "Legend of Baltic" on Sunday evening, although it'll only be from the internet stream so I can't guarantee success.


  Hello Marek and Mark

  I will record it.
  If I success to record, I ill upload.




thank you Mark and A.S.
I am greatly interested in having the copy of Nowowiejski - don't expect masterpiece but something not commonly known and rare - yest that will be such a piece.


After hearing this Stojowski symphony (thanks to the aboev) i was astonished to hear that there is no commercial recording of this passionate work. Incredibly. What a shame. It is a lovely work and ought to be on record!


the link to the pf cto by Zelenski should be soon available at download section

Alan Howe

Thanks, Marek, for the Zelenski PC. Wonderful!


Odder still is that the English-language Zelenski article (in too-typical - says this absentee editor hypocritically- Wikipedia style in a style-breaking language change pair as "Koncert a-moll for piano") lists only one piano concerto which would seem not to be the one to hands (and pedals).