German Music Folder

Started by Mark Thomas, Wednesday 27 July 2011, 21:32

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Mark Thomas

Eric, you're a marvellous sleuth. many thanks.


too happy to try to do so (of course, selfishly speaking, this both hones some skills and the music is often at least really good! :) ) Thank you.


WDR 3 celebrated Ferdinand Hiller with a concert of chamber music and songs:

Both first movements of Op. 133 and 156 were played by the Schnitzler-Quartett.
Following this concert the remaining movements of Op. 133 were broadcast in the Minguet-Triendl recording.
Here are the movements:

Piano Quartet Op. 133

1. Allegro appassionato
2. Adagio espressivo
3. Intermezzo
4. Finale: Allegro con fuoco

Piano Quintet Op. 156

1. Allegro con anima

That's all I can provide.
I have written a second time to the WDR 3 Team.

Why don't you wait until the cpo disc is out?! ;)


Thanks, BC.  I've actually emailed the Minguet Quartet (and friended them on FB with a personal message) to obtain this information.  I'm hoping to hear back from them on FB, as I don't know how often they check their email.


partial information is better than none, in this case quite a bit (and with a movement of the quintet "fixed" I might be able to "lever" a bit more as was the case with a concerto yesterday ;^) ). cpo CD? there's going to be a cpo CD of the quartet and quintet? this makes me very happy truly - it's great to be able to hear them here but I always think it's better when they have very wide distribution!


I'd still like an actual tempo for the Intermezzo movement from the Quartet.  And I'll bet the Quintet's 3rd movement is also an intermezzo.  Did Hiller ever compose a scherzo in his life?


Well, early works- piano quartet no.2 opus 3 of Hiller, 2nd movement, Scherzo: Allegro vivace - Trio: PiĆ¹ moderato.
The symphony op.67 3rd movement is an Allegro vivace but not labeled as a Scherzo (still, not an Allegretto as many intermezzi are- not sure if that's what you're asking! )


hrm, neat - also - another thing...  according to opus 133 first movement is allegro appassionata but I'll go with yours. Wish the site would provide the other movements of opus 156 in their playlist (maybe they do... have to go look.) :)


and yes, the opus 156 3rd movement is an Intermezzo -

Well, now to find out movements 2 and 4 (well, for 4 I guess one could write "Finale"- well, no, let's find the other 2 ;) )

Cobbett Cyclopedic Survey Volume 1 (seen in snippet at Google books) says the second movement is an adagio. (1929, page 555. ... erm... if anyone has Cobbett, as several people have mentioned, they could answer the question about Hiller's opus 156 right quickly- actually, the library here does, downtown, I'll go check soon. 1929 edition and possibly later ones too.)


Good work!  If I can get the tempos of these 2 intermezzi and the titles of the 2nd and 4th movements of the Quintet I can print out a cover sheet for that CD.  Any luck on the Prinz Reuss G minor String Quartet movements?


the only ... almost-primary :) source I have for the Reuss quartet existing and being by this particular Reuss (remember, other Reuss family members with similar names composed too, and quartets too*) (besides the recording) is Cobbett (which I don't have, but it's mentioned in a Google Books snippet- the local library -does- have it though - so I will check their copy for that and for the finale movement header of the opus 156 quintet of Hiller when I get a chance (assuming the Cobbett entry author doesn't just write "The finale..." - but - well... anyhow, he does write "allegro con anima" and "the adagio" so one's hopeful. So yes, will look up the Reuss and Hiller there soon... though yes, his reliability is put in some question by his referring to the opus 3 2nd piano quartet as the 2nd string quartet (at least that explains why he(?) thinks there are 6 Hiller string quartets - 3 of "them" are piano quartets and 3 are string quartets, but all 6 are quartets. Imagine if poor Mr. Hiller had written oboe quartets, clarinet quartets and harpsichord quartets too... e.g. )

*yes, I complain about composer identification problems, but they can get pretty bad sometimes. hair not torn out yet, though.


Reuss Quartet opus 23 no.1 in G minor- first movement - "Legend" : Introduction (G minor) - Allegro (B-flat)

more information as I have it ... :)


The Allegro of the Reuss is also in G minor.  But thanks.  Keep on keeping on!


ok, having (I am ashamed to say) put off listening to that Reuss work (due to distractability and general difficulty concentrating lately I think) - that one I partially blame on Cobbett's author but mostly on myself. Anyhow, will do!

Mark Thomas

I'm very keen that you print out your CD cover Jim. Cobbett confirms the Piano Quintet's opening movement as Allegro con anima and the third is indeed an Intermezzo. The second movement is marked Adagio and Cobbett just calls the finale, finale.