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Juliusz Zarebski

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 11 August 2009, 16:48

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Alan Howe

While we're on Polish composers, how about Zarebski (1854-1885), specifically the Piano Quintet from the last year of his life? Does anyone know his music (almost exclusively for the piano)?

Gareth Vaughan

Zarebski was a hugely talented composer. His piano music is harmonically very adventurous and the Piano Quintet gives an idea of what he might have achieved for larger forces, had he not died young. He is supposed to have written a piano concerto, but, if he ever did so, which is actually doubtful, the MS is now lost. A rumour of its having been found in a Russian library some years ago proved to be just that. There is an arrangement of the Piano Quintet for piano and string orchestra (not, I think, done by the composer) which may have confused some people. What a terrific piece that quintet is! Two previous recordings being no longer available (on Olympia and Accord, respectively - the Olympia being by far the better performance) it's high time it was recorded again. I imagine Il Trittico would give a fine account of it..

Alan Howe

There's a performance of the Piano Quintet available on Dux...

Gareth Vaughan

Thanks, Alan. I didn't know of that CD. I must get it.


Somewhat late with my response but I have a CD of some of his piano music called "Les Roses et les Epines".  It's lovely music, a bit sort of Debussyish but with a Lisztian slant.

Incidentally, one of Liszt's last orchestral works (which was only rediscovered in the 1990s) is an orchestration of several 4 hand piano pieces by Zarabski.


Many thanks for the Zarebski Piano Quintet, Mike!

As you can see from this old thread, it has received some positive comments on UC in the past, and I am not sure if we've ever had a version available in the downloads section. I do know that it will be warmly welcomed. :)


yes, in fact, few months ago I uploaded some piano music by Zarębski plus some orchestral arrangements (Polish Dances orchestrated by Maklakiewicz) and also his Piano Quintet  recorded for Polish Muza in 60s with Władysław Szpilman on piano.
As to other recordings of the Quintet Martha Argerich played among others it here in Poland in 2010 or 2011. performance has been registered and is expected to be released


Interesting recording.  Thanks for uploading it.  A different take on the Quintet.
