Miaskovsky - some guidance needed

Started by albion, Friday 12 August 2011, 17:55

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Quote from: eschiss1 on Thursday 25 August 2011, 22:36
Have read poor reviews of Svetlanov's take on no.5 if I recall and have to agree. Too slow.  Downes on Marco Polo is one of several good recordings though (and his recording premiered- I think; such claims should always be careful on principle :) - no.9 in E minor, another really lovely, passionate symphony.)
I don't know about Downes premiering.  I have a fine performance conducted by Konstantin Ivanov with the USSR Radio Symphony.  Surely it must predate the Downes/BBC Philharmonic.


Really? I thought that (the Ivanov) was a recording of the 5th, not the 9th... and Downes' recording of the 5th, I think, wasn't even its 2nd recording, let alone its premiere, no. (Recording) Premiere of the 9th, though, I believe it was...
(Whether or not Ivanov recorded the 9th - he did record the 5th and 16th and quite well. And 21, but I haven't heard that recording of his, I think.)


Sorry.  I was talking about the 5th.  I didn't realize the premiere recording to which you were referring was the 9th.


Ah, but I was so clear, as always *removes the mud... clear mud of course!* wasn't I? *and more mud* Now where'd that all come from... :):):)

Relatively major un(commercially) recorded Myaskovsky (some of these have been recorded ... not commercially): at least the following-
*two cantatas? oratorios? (Kreml Nochu (The Kremlin at Night); and Kirov is With Us)
*one violin sonata (op.70, in F major. two movements; a sonata form, and a theme and variations-and-finale. The tape, and CD copy, I have of this is in --...erm... ... decrepit sound, in my honest opinion.)


I forgot to mention Cello Sonata No 2 as one of his finest works - a lovely work (there are several recordings).  Worth looking out, especially if you don't know Miaskovsky's chamber music.



some yeas ago. I downloaded a Piano Concerto in 2 movements (don't know if this is the complete concerto) by Miaskovsky. The player was Igor Zhukov. I am non sure that this piece is really written by Miaskovsky, but I'd like to know if someone does know it.
Bye, Andrea


There is the two movements Concert-Fantasia for Piano and Orchestra by P.I. Thcaicovskij in a recording by Igor Zhukov.


I know the concerto-fantasia, the style is quite different, more modern. SO it could be myaskovsky, but i never found notice about his piano concerto...
thx, Andrea


I'd heard from someone else at some point I think about a (possibly unfinished) piano concerto by Myaskovsky but I am dubious.  (One arranged from a film score by Weinberg, yes, that does exist.)


The Tchaikovsky concert-fantasia? In quite a few recordings, and deservedly so (not to suggest that Myask. works that are wholly unrecorded except for broadcasts, like the violin sonata in F major op.70, are also deservedly so... ah, you know what I mean. I have heard the violin sonata- in a tape with more hiss crackle and pop than I would wish on a Madison Avenue hack - but near as I can tell , it's pretty good though not as good as the 2 cello sonatas-  still, deserves better than no recordings... worthy contemporary (which it is; op70 to 69) of the very fine 25th symphony.


Well, when I'll come back home I'll listen it again, then, if it is possible, I'd like to post it here, so we can enlarge the discussion.
I don't know deeply the orchestral works of Myaskovsky, so it's difficult for me to catch stylistical similarity.
the violin sonata op.70 is difficult to find also in score, but now I am looking for it.
A bit too harsh with Tchaykovsky op. 56?Don't you like first movement cadenza...dialogue between piano and cello in the second...?
Bye, Andrea


... me? I do quite like the Tchaikovsky, wasn't implying otherwise???


sorry :-\, I understood that you meant that tchaykovsky op.56 has - deservedly -  quite few recordings.


I said deservedly quite a few recordings. As in, not a few, by now, and a good thing, too. :) Sorry, English prides itself on being one confusing language, and I don't help much :(