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Swedish music

Started by cjvinthechair, Sunday 04 September 2011, 15:43

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Quote from: Dundonnell on Saturday 05 May 2012, 16:08
Many thanks to britishcomposer for the addition of the Atterberg Double Concerto (which has never been released on cd).

Hear, hear, thank you indeed! And what a beautiful work it is, like so much of Atterberg's music.  :)


The Atterberg concerto was also performed in 2011 (May) in Switzerland.  (The set of programs looks interesting- Andriessen variations that have been commercially recorded awhile back, etc. ...) Wonder if this is a sign it might be recorded soon (with those performers, that is - Philip Graffin etc., that is?) Promising...


Many thanks to Sicmu for making the Kallstenius Symphony No.4 available :)

Mark Thomas

I've just uploaded two fine examples of the chamber music of Ludvig Norman - his Piano Sextet and and the String Quartet No.4. Both are recordings of fairly recent BBC broadcasts.


The movements of the piano sextet are Allegro patetico; Andantino grazioso; Scherzo: Allegro molto vivace; Finale: Allegro con fuoco. Thanks! (Source: BBC Euroclassic Notturno listings.) A -different- recording of the 4th quartet has been available on CD (an LP reissue, with his piano quartet), I notice, glad to have this one (and others of his music, speaking personally).

Mark Thomas

Thanks very much Eric for the Sextet detail. BBC Euroclassic often give movement titles when the main BBC site doesn't but for some reason I couldn't find the Sextet's listing there.


It took some doing. Thank you!


Thanks for posting Jan Carlstedt's Symphony No. 1, britishcomposer. It's his Opus 1, by the way, and also a very fine piece with an especially interesting finale. I had a recording of the same performance myself before, but in semi-disastrous sound quality. Therefore, your upload means a major improvement.


Many thanks, Mathias, for uploading Jan Carlstedt's Symphony No.1. I requested it last night and woke up this morning and there it was!



A bumper crop too of seven works by Lars-Erik Larsson (including one-"Musica permutatio"- missing from my catalogue :-[) :)  Many, many thanks :)


I echo Colin's response!
I always find LEL's music hugely entertaining.
Thank you!  :)


Erland Von Koch
Musica Malincolica for Strings, Op 50. (1952)

Örebro Chamber Orchestra;
Lennart Hedwall,  Conductor

Source LP:  Swedish Society SLT 33224

From the Collection of Karl Miller

I've provided some biographical info here:,1516.msg28398.html#msg28398

Mark Thomas

A recently-arrived batch of swaps from a non-internet enabled friend has yielded an off-air recording of another excellent chamber work by Ludvig Norman: his First Piano Trio, which I've now uploaded. I can't find out the movement title and so would appreciate it if anybody can post what they are.


I have recorded the same performance of the Norman Piano Trio from a recent P2 broadcast. Unfortunately no movement titles were announced.
The performers are the members of the Stockholm Trio, Leo Berlin, violin, Åke Olofsson, cello and Lars Sellergren, piano.


Thanks for the Norman trio (composed it seems in 1849 and published - Hofmeister lists as by "Normann, L." - in 1853 by Kistner). Hopefully some info somewhere to fill that out, anycase. (KB Netherlands server is down, so any information there, isn't...)