Gernsheim on Toccata!

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 26 August 2009, 20:37

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Gareth Vaughan


Well, yes, there is that...but this stuff gets done without my moneycan, somehow.

Mark Thomas

Sometimes, Jim, your money has to follow your mouth...


Well... then let the people with the money supply the money and the people with brains supply the ideas! 8)

Alan Howe

It's sometimes the people without much money who are actually generous enough to offer it...


Hey!  Until I'm flush, and I mean FLUSH, ideas are all I'm good for.  Ask me in a few months when I've got my shiny brand new degree, I'm working only ONE job, getting a little ahead, paying off my debts as well as my bills, and generally in a better position to do something.

Although, come to think of it, there still wouldn't be much I could do.  Maybe we could pool our resources for a project or something.

More ideas... ;)

Alan Howe

Now, pooling resources is a good idea...

A small donation x lots of supporters = funds for a CD

You up for this, Jim?


Today my CD arrived, and I've listened to both Piano Quintets, for the first time completely. Wow... this is chamber music at its best, and very well performed. The booklet notes (yes, with a lot of Brahms, but fortunately not in the discussion of both quintets...) are detailed.

What a fine composer Gernsheim was! Very, very warmly recommended!


I got mine today (Tuesday). but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet...



Quote from: Alan Howe on Thursday 18 February 2010, 10:35
Now, pooling resources is a good idea...

A small donation x lots of supporters = funds for a CD

You up for this, Jim?
Not quite yet.  Let's pick a project first, then find out how much will be needed and who's in the pool.

Gareth Vaughan

OK - but, remember, if you are looking at a couple of 19th century VCs with a good orchestra and soloist, you won't see any change out of £10,000.

Alan Howe

Gareth Vaughan

Absolutely - at least... I was deliberately being conservative.


Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Wednesday 24 February 2010, 11:19
OK - but, remember, if you are looking at a couple of 19th century VCs with a good orchestra and soloist, you won't see any change out of £10,000.
I'm assuming that is the sum total to be split among the members of the pool.  The greater the number of participants the lesser the individual contribution.  We'll have to figure out the exchange rate at the time we ante up.

Alan Howe

I understand that this CD is one of the few Toccata releases that is now having to be re-pressed - a real tribute to the quality of the music. So, if you haven't bought a copy yet...