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Italian Music

Started by jerfilm, Friday 23 September 2011, 14:02

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Since we now have an Italian Download folder, why not a discussion one as well?

Thanks to Amphissa for the downloads.  I didn't download the Martucci Concerto as I already have 3 different recordings of that piece - that should be enough.   I love Martucci's music, however - his two Piano Trios and the Piano Qquintet in C are among my very favorite chamber works.

I'm also fascinated by the violin and cello sonatas of Leone Sinigaglia and am wondering if anyone has tapes or other recordings of his music - perhaps the Violin Concerto or other works for violin and orchestra.  Or ????  Judging from the number of recordings, he is VERY unsung.....



I wasn't going to create a discussion folder until after the items inn the download folder were approved. Since approval of my stuff always occurs in the middle of the night (my time), you guys often see the downloads before I even know they've been approved.

Anyway, Martucci's 2nd piano concerto and Casella's 2nd symphony are now available.


Some works by Casella or Malipiero would be handy :)

I have never managed to acquire Casella's Concerto Romano for Organ and Orchestra(1926),  the Concerto for Orchestra(1937) and  the Missa Solemnis 'Pro Pace'(1944) or Malipiero's Concerto for Orchestra(1931), the Violin Concerto No.2(1952) and the Flute Concerto(1968).


Sorry to upstage you, Amphissa.   I think we all know how the time differences affect this forum - we seem to be scattered all over the world.

Well, we needed to talk about the Italians, anyway - we've sadly neglected them.



Sinigaglia: besides the recent Toccata CD (Violin Sonata, Cello Sonata plus short pieces), there is an Italian Stradivarius label CD with lieder (in German) and songs (in Italian): soprano Anja Kampe, M.Genot pf. The Toccata and the Stradivarius have on the cover the same picture of the composer.
I have an old LP by Fiedler and Boston Pops of the first "Danza Piemontese".
I never found a recording (which existed) by Toscanini of the concert overture "Le baruffe chiozzotte" (another piece in the Italian program of Mahler last concert).
Casella Concerto Romano : there is a Signum double CD (SIG X 121) M.Schmedig org., C.Campestrini cond., Brandeburg Staats. Frankfurt Orch.
There was a LP with Martin Haselboeck, Leif Segerstam and Austrian Radio Orch.(I own both).
Casella Concerto for orch. has been recorded by Chandos (but the coupling is at present not yet decided and recorded).
The Missa pro pace has not yet ever recorded, as far as I know (I heard it in an actual concert).
Nor, in my knowledge, the three Malipiero works listed (sure it is "Concerto" for orchestra or rather a work titled "Concerti" for orchestra?).
The Casella Symphony n.2 by Noseda and BBC Phil. cannot come from Stresa 2009 ( where they performed just one Rachmaninov program, indeed in early September 2009: I am a follower of that festival).   


Quote from: Dundonnell on Friday 23 September 2011, 15:01
Some works by Casella or Malipiero would be handy :)

I have never managed to acquire Casella's Concerto Romano for Organ and Orchestra(1926)

You know this recording?

or this one?

both with the Concerto romano.



Sinigaglia's violin concerto, I gather, used to be quite popular. I like the several works (Hora Mystica, String Quartet, Scherzo for String Quartet) that Steve's Bedroom Band has recorded by him on IMSLP, and do hope to hear more :)
I have another broadcast recording of that tremendous and lovely Martucci 2nd concerto (made for BR4 radio by the same pianist, conductor, different orchestra, and sent me- well, long story. Keep planning to create an account. Will soon...)


Very grateful to both alberto and violinconcerto for the information regarding the Casella Concerto romano :)

I have now ordered the version linked on the jpc site :) I cannot imagine how I previously missed that cd.


A question has arisen regarding the Casella Sym 2 that I uploaded. I am concerned about whether it was really performed at the concert listed, or if I was misled about the origin of the recording.

Therefore, I have removed the link until I can verify the provenance.


My thanks to several members who took the time to compare the Chandos CD recording of the Casella Symphony No. 2 to the version I had linked in the downloads.

Their comparisons all agree that the two recordings are indeed different. One substantially obvious difference is that the CD recording is a studio recording, whereas the recording I have provided is a live recording.

I therefore feel confident that the version I originally made available is not the same as the Chandos CD or any other commercially available recording. So I have reinserted the link.

That said, I am less certain about the location and date of the live recording. If I obtain further information about that, I'll update the notes.

Thank you for your patience as we worked through this. I think it important to avoid any sort of copyright infringement issues.

And thanks once again to those who did comparative listening of the two recordings to assure that they are different.


Ok, I admit to curiosity whether there are any broadcast recordings of works by these composers :)
Salvatore Pappalardo (seems to have written some moderately good, intriguing and nicely melodic chamber music, some of it published)
Giuseppe Mascia
Antonio Scontrino (especially one of the 4.5 string quartets :) - (a prelude and fugue composed 1895 ; G minor premiered?/published 1901 which I've heard - in MIDIs anyway- and enjoy, especially three of the four movements, especially! a really lovely slow movement; quartets too in C major (p.1905), A minor (pub.1908 with a fine minuet recorded by Steve's Bedroom Band and I think back in the acoustic days too), and F major ( Also symphonies, operas, a double bass (his instrument) concerto, etc.
Others but the site I was "harvesting from" was down for a bit. Still, will add to later :D


I've added a very enjoyable concerto by Rota to the Italian folder.


Quote from: Amphissa on Wednesday 28 September 2011, 12:05

Music of Mario Zafred [1922-1987]

Symphony #4 "In Honour of the Resistance" [1950] NY Philharmonic/Thomas Schippers [30 October 1958]

Symphony #6 [1958] ORTF PO/Francesco Mander

Sinfonia Breve for Strings [1955] Scarlatti Chamber O of Naples/Massimo Freccia

Many thanks but the link for the symphony 4 doesn't work for me.


hmmmm .... I wonder why the quotation box says it was posted by me. I did not post the symphonies by Zafred. shamokin88 did. How odd.


Many thanks for the Sinigaglia overture!