Johanna Senfter (1879-1961) : Sinfonie Nr. 4 B-Dur op. 50

Started by lechner1110, Monday 03 October 2011, 14:31

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  MDR-Figaro (Germany)
  Broadcast date 18.Oct.2011 20:05 (Germany time)

  1 Max Reger: Vier Tondichtungen nach Arnold Böcklin op. 128
  2 Franz Liszt: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 2 A-Dur
  3 Johanna Senfter: Sinfonie Nr. 4 B-Dur op. 50

  Joseph Moog, Klavier
  Jenaer Philharmonie, Leitung: Othmar Mága
  (Aufzeichnung vom 14.10.2011, Volkshaus Jena)

  mp3 128kbps    
  real audio 128kbps



Thanks, Atsushi for finding all these, you are the greatest with all your enthusiasm, great uploads, and kindness in sharing what is coming up.


I was at the concert in Jena. Senfter's Symphony is a well worked late romantic piece, that reminded me more to Bruckner than to Reger (short motives, often repeated). Not as powerful than Bruckner's symphonies, but nevertheless fine music, that maked me curious about Senfter's other work. This performance of the 4th was the second one ever. The work was premiered in 2000.


Perhaps this will be asking too much from our generous members.  But I just downloaded the Senfter 4th Symphony but quickly discovered that it is in a format which I have no way to read, i.e. ".ram".    Apparently you have to download some program to "convert" it.   

It would be nice for some of us old folks if uploads would be in ".mp3" or some similar format or else as a zip or rar files - things that are common to most of our PCs worldwide. 

Just a suggestion.....



.ram files are played by the bloated quasi-malware known as Real Player.  You could also try something like Real Player Alternative, stuff like that.
This is a resource-consuming, overly-large space-waster that loads you up with unwanted ads, goes out and draws stuff from the Internet when you don't want it, and more.  I think it's just godawful.

I'd probably recommend instead:

Note that I don't think there's anything wrong with Real Media formats, just with the official player.  I recommend against converting it to mp3 or anything else, though.  You shouldn't ever go from lossy to lossy (for example, from mp3 to wma).  Lossy formats are those that are shrunk down from a more "raw", or lossless, audio type such as .ape or .wav.  If you've ever looked at the filesizes, those tend to be gargantuan, because they're not being tinkered with at all.  If you can only get the file in .ram, you should leave it that way and just get a player or plugin (I think Winamp even has some plugins to play it).  Just my opinion, of course, but I do have to warn you you that if you were to turn that file into an mp3, you'd notice definite audio quality deterioration.


Thanks for that, Josh.  I figured I didn't want anything to do with Real Player just by the way it started to load.  But the problem of course with these files is that if you want to commit them to CD's you have to convert them somehow.  I think I'll just have to pass on this particular download.



Do I understand you all rightly? Has the Symphony been uploaded? How is that possible? The concert will be broadcast in three days? Or has anyony uploaded another performance? Anyway, I cannot find it? Perhaps I misunderstood something?


  Thanks all,

  I will try to record this broadcast.
  Maybe I will be able to upload this concert except for some extraordinary reason ;)

  Dear Rainolf,
  I'm looking forward to listen this concert very much to hear your comment.
  I envy you that you went this concert.
  But I'm very happy.  Because I can listen this concert  in spite of lives in Japan :D



About RAM files- there are at least two kinds by the way.
One is local to the machine and the considerations above do apply.
One is streaming (requires internet access, etc. ...) and the question of conversion from such an RAM file to an actual static sound file (AIFF, WAV, AAC, MP3 ...) is a bit more like the question "is it faster to Chicago or by bus?"
For such a file- which is not an audio file but rather a pointer to a URL, more or less, give or take, it has been awhile and I am not sure I remember exactly - recording could go a bit like this-
(1) run the best RAM-streaming-file-player you can find.
(2) run the best audio recorder you have to record the sounds this creates in your computer's speakers or other output.
(3) run the best converter you can find to change the resulting file to the desired output type, if needed.
Something like that, basically. It's a process in time, very much like recording a radio broadcast in general - indeed, radio broadcast webstreams sometimes still are .ram links though this was much more often true years ago.
