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Arwel Hughes (1909-1988)

Started by albion, Monday 17 October 2011, 17:35

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Having spent a very pleasant afternoon listening to Hughes' opera Menna (archive Folder 7), this lyrical work reminded me very much in idiom and subject-matter of George Lloyd's Iernin - not musically challenging but very adept and skilfully constructed, revealing a real talent for the theatre.

Hearing the entire opera is a useful (and very substantial) 'supplement' to the recent disc of Hughes' orchestral music, which contains the Prelude to the opera.



As I posted elsewhere you will soon have a chance to hear his Symphony of 1971 ;D

I haven't heard the BIS disc of his orchestral pieces. What are they like?

Chandos recorded the Cantata "Saint Dewi" a long time ago but it appears to be no longer available :(


Quote from: Dundonnell on Monday 17 October 2011, 17:46I haven't heard the BIS disc of his orchestral pieces. What are they like?

Nothing spectacular or challenging, but I have really enjoyed making their acquaintance. A predominantly gentle lyricism prevails and tonality is definitely not challenged. Having said that, Hughes was clearly no amateur when it came to orchestration - clear lines and with enough colour to bring life to his musical material.

As you will have gathered, pretty much anything and everything (at least in terms of native composition) that emanates from these Isles is welcome listening in my house, so the more discriminating beware!



All right, in that case........

Since it was BIS that recorded the Hughes...where do you stand on another British composer now being recorded by that company: John Pickard?


Quote from: Dundonnell on Monday 17 October 2011, 18:15where do you stand on another British composer now being recorded by that company: John Pickard?

On virgin territory - John Pickard would be completely new to me, but he looks personable enough -



Pickard's music is very impressive imo. Unfortunately I haven't heard any of his four symphonies but any composer still writing symphonies today rises in my estimation ;D

What I have heard are the three pieces on the first BIS disc issued (the Piano Concerto, 'Sea-Change' and 'Tenebrae' will be issued soon conducted by Martyn Brabbins). The works on that disc-"The Flight of Icarus", "Channel Firing" and "The Spindle of Necessity" for trombone, percussion and strings-are all very fine.
There is no doubting that they are in a 'modern idiom'. There is a good deal of angry dissonance but they use the resources of the orchestra with confidence and aplomb.There are also extended passages of considerable beauty and grandeur. The elegy which concludes "Channel Firing", composed in memory of the composer's teacher, William Mathias, is particularly moving.

(Pickard is an admirer of Havergal Brian and was actually sitting four seats along from me at the Proms Gothic.)


I'm absolutely fine with a 'modern idiom', so I'll keep an eye out for this release. Interesting that the composer is an admirer of Brian. Thanks very much for this, Colin!



Moreover, Pickard has written very eloquently about Rubbra and Simpson, as whose successor he is sometimes handled - well, I don't know. Judge yourself! ;)


Quote from: Albion on Monday 17 October 2011, 17:58
Quote from: Dundonnell on Monday 17 October 2011, 17:46I haven't heard the BIS disc of his orchestral pieces. What are they like?

Nothing spectacular or challenging, but I have really enjoyed making their acquaintance. A predominantly gentle lyricism prevails and tonality is definitely not challenged. Having said that, Hughes was clearly no amateur when it came to orchestration - clear lines and with enough colour to bring life to his musical material.

As you will have gathered, pretty much anything and everything (at least in terms of native composition) that emanates from these Isles is welcome listening in my house, so the more discriminating beware!


Very much agree with this.


Quote from: Dundonnell on Monday 17 October 2011, 17:46Chandos recorded the Cantata "Saint Dewi" a long time ago but it appears to be no longer available :(

You could try amazon (there are both new and used copies there)-



Quote from: Albion on Tuesday 18 October 2011, 08:27
Quote from: Dundonnell on Monday 17 October 2011, 17:46Chandos recorded the Cantata "Saint Dewi" a long time ago but it appears to be no longer available :(

You could try amazon (there are both new and used copies there)-


Duly ordered ;D

(Oh dear...too many new cds this month for my bank (im)balance :(