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Foote and Martucci on Naxos

Started by Mark Thomas, Friday 01 May 2009, 15:50

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Mark Thomas

Here's confirmation of the Foote orchestral works CD now released by Naxos. Also released is the third volume of their Martucci survey.

Alan Howe

My order is apparently on its way. I'll post when I receive them.

Martucci's PC1 is overshadowed by the superb PC2. This is a shame as it is a marvellous piece in its own right - much less dark in tone, but with memorable themes.


The Foote disc has not arrived on the US shores yet - our Manhattan local store expects it in late May.  Since I love Foote's chamber discs, I simply cannot wait another month to hear the orchestral works - especially the gorgeous Suite in E Major - the only of the pieces I know.  So, it's on order from MDT in UK, along with the new Naxos Pizzetti disc.


I have not yet ordered any of the Martucci Naxos CDs, because I have the D'Avalos box set. How do the performances of the Naxos compare with the D'Avalos recordings?

Alan Howe

They compare very well, but, if you have the D'Avalos set, don't bother with the Naxos series. Unless you're just curious to hear more performances of this repertoire (like me)....


I now have the first two issues in the new Naxos set. For the First Symphony, I think I prefer La Vecchia's account over that of d'Avalos, but not by much at all.

As for the Second Symphony, IMHO nothing beats Bakels' account with the Malaysian Symphony on BIS for sheet commitment and passion.

For the completist, the La Vecchia discs have a few fillers that I haven't seen elsewhere.

Alan Howe

One thing's clear in the comparison between D'Avalos and La Vecchia: the former definitely has the better orchestra.


I haven't heard the Bakels recording yet, but I have heard some of his other recordings with this same orchestra -- like the Rimsky-Korsakov symphonies. The R-K interpretations are first rate and the orchestra is pretty darn good too. So I may have to pick up their recording of Martucci 2.