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Members' Download Posts

Started by albion, Saturday 26 November 2011, 11:06

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I sincerely hope that Mark and Alan will not mind this post:

Quote from: Albion on Saturday 26 November 2011, 09:32
A gentle reminder and guidance for new members -

Members-only threads (for download links) on the Downloads board

Please do not post in the British Music Broadcasts Catalogue and Archive thread as this is exclusively allocated for the BMB catalogue of recordings - subsequent posts will be moved: the location for posting independent downloads is entitled British Music.

Open-access threads on the Downloads Discussion board

The place in which to post alerts and general comment is entitled British music broadcasts.



Mark has very kindly sorted this out, but has pointed out to me that this problem of members posting downloads etc. in inappropriate (i.e. open-access) threads or simply the wrong threads is taking up a large amount of his time. As it is, both he and Alan have an enormous amount of work to do on the forum to check that nothing commercially-available is supplied by members.


We can all do our bit to help - the threads in whichever board are usually self-explanatory by title or at least by general content: for example, if a member is posting a download link in an established thread that contains no other download links then that member is probably posting in the wrong thread!


Mark Thomas

Thanks for this John - so much more nicely put than I could have done!


Just to let you know that some member's music posts are now being reuploaded to this site, but it's impossible to prove :


Quote from: Sicmu on Wednesday 14 March 2012, 16:09
Just to let you know that some member's music posts are now being reuploaded to this site, but it's impossible to prove :

Does it violate anything?


As the download folder is supposed to be not visible to guests according to the forum rules, I would say yes but this won't discourage me to keep uploading.


There is nothing that prevents someone from becoming a member, downloading files and uploading them somewhere else. In effect, that is what we do when we download something from YouTube and upload it here.


You can DL from YouTube?  I've been looking for that option and haven't been able to find it.


Quote from: JimL on Thursday 15 March 2012, 14:20
You can DL from YouTube?  I've been looking for that option and haven't been able to find it.

If you download Realplayer which is a free program for the basic player, you can download any video to your computer. I have a 15 year old program on my computer that allows me to download to my hard drive anything I can hear over my computer speakers. So I have a choice to download the audio portion as a wave file to my hard drive while I am watching the video or I can download the video and convert it later. My 15 year old program is not compatible with Windows XP or Vista or Windows 7 but I found a way to modify the program for use on these operating systems.


Well that's a pretty dumb way to do it. Much better to use a video downloader (there are hundreds on the net both in online and program form), and then demux the audio from the resulting video.
You don't lose any quality that way.


I don't lose any quality the way I am doing it. Most of the time it is downloaded as a wave file and ready for burning without having to convert it from mp3 to wave. What makes you think I am losing quality?


Thanks you guys.  I got Tubesucker and have now completed the Raff Symphonies (I was still missing 2, 5 and 6).  Now I need to get some CDs so I can play them in my car.  I can actually fit 2 and 6 on the same CD and may get a little filler for the Lenore (which, I'm happy to say, is the same old Hermann I used to have on Nonesuch LP.)  BTW, the orginator of the YouTube used the Tudor for the 2nd and the Marco Polo for the 6th, which is actually starting to grow on me, particularly the two middle movements.