Out on Naxos soon? Levy symphonies

Started by eschiss1, Sunday 01 January 2012, 05:12

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according to Naxos' new releases page, available apparently as download (not as CD yet? ever? ...?) in January 2012 are the following symphonies by Ernst Levy (a few of whose works have been broadcast on Concertzender, and whose symphony 15 has been uploaded here) - mostly played by the Polish National Radio Symphony conducted by David Oberg - nos. 7, 10, 11, also other works (about five CDs in all- which violates the 1-CD per post rule, for which apologies...)

Alan Howe

Very interesting, Eric. Thanks for the heads-up. These releases appear to be reissues, but are no less welcome for that.

Alan Howe


It all seems rather strange ???

The Naxos website-which always seems to take ages to function properly(it must have one of the poorest servers in creation >:(-) advertises the Levy Symphonies Nos. 7, 10 and 11.

I have never seen these cds listed on either the MDT or Presto sites. If they are indeed reissues, wherefor art they from and why are they not available for purchase in the normal manner ??? ???


they're downloads, which I am guessing MDT may not normally list until, if ever, they become available as physical CDs (Naxos has also, I believe, several LPs digitized as downloads but not available for sale as CDs, including one that contains two works one of them the recording we also have of the Rasse violin concerto, and some of them moreover only available for even download in some regions but not others, I think. Not sure. As I am not one of their subscribers yet, I cannot test this :) )  (Wherefore? Wherefore wheref... ok ok.)

A Worldcat search reveals that some of these recordings, maybe all of them, were released on the Opus One label back around 2000. So my glee (well... erm... ok, I've heard one of the two or three works I have on my iPod by him, and I like it a lot but am not yet ecstatic about it- but the notion that they that soon... erm... anyway... erm...) was, yes, 11 years late :D
(It did remind me of when I first heard of Richard Wetz- a few months before cpo came out with their symphony 1 CD (though yes, several other recordings existed of his music). I like coincidences.)


The Naxos site does say not available on CD, not not available yet, so I'm guessing that download/streaming is -it-, really, but who knows. By the way, classicsonline.com is usually faster than Naxos for streaming and download and may have these also, will check.
Opus One also released several other Levy works (symphony 12 and the Sonata for Ten on two discs in 2005 for example, etc.) so this may be the first set of releases of a batch. The Naxos links are
Orchestral Suite 3 and Introduction  (apparently a reissue of Opus One CD 180, 2000). Or @ Classicsonline, here.
Symphony 10 France (reissue of Opus One CD 188, 2002). Or @Classicsonline, here.
Symphony 11 (reissue of half of Opus One CD 182, 2000. The other half was a non-Mahler "Das Lied" previously issued on CRI, by Richard Moryl, not this Naxos "disc".) Or @Classicsonline, here.
Symphony 7 - ok, no idea when this one first came out, will have to look further- assuming it was previously released. Same conductor (Oberg) as a number of the others. Or @Classicsonline, here.
Cello Concertos by Frank Ezra Levy (b.1930) and Ernst Levy (this a reissue of the contents of Opus One CD 185 , 2002). Or here.
That's Frank Levy's 1st cello concerto. His 2nd is on another Naxos CD (physical CD this time I think?), here. (Yes, Frank Ezra is Ernst's son, a student of Hugo Kauder, in whose music... ok, not going on yet another digression right now! :)... bio.)