Ferdinand Ries' opera Die Räuberbraut from cpo

Started by M. Henriksen, Thursday 16 February 2012, 17:39

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M. Henriksen

For those who haven't noticed cpo have posted an interesting video-interview with; among others producer Burkhard Schmilgun on their site, revealing that Howard Griffiths will conduct Ferdinand Ries' opera Der Räuberbraut in cpo production no. 1000. Something to look forward to I guess! But maybe not in 2012, knowing cpo too well...



Neat! I saw the vocal score (I think - I need to check again) scanned in by the State Library of Berlin, but didn't know it was being recorded, too...


M. Henriksen

Yes, something like that.
This seems to be the first out of three operas Ries composed.



One to which I look forward enormously!

CPO have already given us the very spirited overture - its on the Ries disc containing the Concerto for Two Horns. Which is a super work!

The opera - Op 156 on the Ries worklist - was first produced in Frankfurt in 1828.


According to WDR (Germany) it was recorded in December 2012 and will be broadcast on WDR on 15th April 2012 at 20:00.

Something to really look forward to.  :)

M. Henriksen
