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Gernsheim PC

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 10 November 2009, 18:59

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Alan Howe

Following the acquisition of a German radio performance of Gernsheim's Piano Concerto in C minor of 1868, I am going to hazard a guess that - were it ever to be commercially recorded - it will become a firm favourite. It is a most winning and tuneful work, wonderfully written for the piano, but also with real symphonic 'muscle'. Indeed, it feels like another missing link between, say, Schumann and Brahms - and it confirms the composer's growing reputation as a master. His stature overall seems to me at least comparable with someone such as Max Bruch.

But to return to the PC, this is real Hyperion territory, I would have thought. Of course, it may well be that cpo have snapped up the radio performance, but who knows...?


I can envisage a CD with the mouthwatering combination of the Gernsheim Concerto coupled with the Volkmann Concertstuck.

At the moment, it is just a dream.


Alan Howe

Even more mouthwatering would be a coupling of the PCs of Gernsheim and Rufinatscha...

Mark Thomas

I'd say that the Piano Concerto, which is a  early work for Gernsheim of course, shows him at his most genial and tuneful. It also has some really "big" moments. I was reminded of the Grieg, myself...

Martin Anderson

Having just signed up to this forum, I am afraid I am going to turn commercial straightaway -- but with news of which I hope others here will approve (and which Alan Howe has known for ages): that I have a recording of the two Gernsheim Piano Quintets nearly ready to run; it will be released early in the spring. You can see the cover here: (scroll down), and it will soon have a page of its own where you will be able to listen to the incipits of each movement.
Martin Anderson
Toccata Classics

Alan Howe

It's good to welcome you, Martin. And thanks for revealing details of this forthcoming release which should knock a few people's socks off! Or, hopefully, many people's socks off!!


Quote from: Martin Anderson on Friday 27 November 2009, 16:12
Having just signed up to this forum, I am afraid I am going to turn commercial straightaway -- but with news of which I hope others here will approve (and which Alan Howe has known for ages): that I have a recording of the two Gernsheim Piano Quintets nearly ready to run; it will be released early in the spring. You can see the cover here: (scroll down), and it will soon have a page of its own where you will be able to listen to the incipits of each movement.
Martin Anderson
Toccata Classics

Mr Anderson:  What, may one ask, is the timeline for the release of some of the other CDs shown on your "In Preparation" page?  For instance, the Sinigaglia and Lavista discs....

Mark Thomas

Welcome Martin, and very welcome news aout the Piano Quintets.


Hi all

Especially Martin Anderson. Welcome indeed! The Gernsheim and Thieriot discs are mouth watering, to say the least.

Sadly, after examining your 'in preparation' page, I then made the fatal mistake of examining the list of your other releases. I will be paying Toccata a visit in about two weeks. And I mean paying. My poor credit card...if it had feelings, it would tremble whenever yours truly thinks about music.

A happy thought now. Toccata, like certain other very independent labels, is bringing forth a goodly number of forgotten Romantic Era master works. Various folk on the previous Raff Forums noted the trend and had high hopes for possible results. Another 'positive' can now be chalked up.


Martin Anderson

Thank you, everyone, for such a warm welcome. To answer your questions first, the Thieriot, Gernsheim and Lavista CDs will all be out in the spring: the first two are ready to roll already, as is Vol. 1 of August Stradal's solo-piano transcriptions of the Liszt symphonic poems. Indeed, I will shortly be sending out a newsletter to members of the Discovery Club to advise them that they can get hold of the Thieriot and a new Schnittke CD before they come onto the market. (Forgive another mercenary plug, but this is a difficult row to hoe, so put it down to a survival instinct.) I'm hoping the Discovery Club will appeal to many people here. Basically, £20 a year brings you two free CDs to start with (or a free Toccata Press book) and £5 off CDs and 25% off books and downloads for the next year; more details at

Now, back to the catalogue in preparation for spring and early summer. One or two pieces on the Sinigaglia CD had to be retaken, but that was done last week, so now it's a question of waiting for the edit. The Jadassohn Piano Trios Nos. 1–3 are being prepared for a spring 2010 launch, as is Vol. 1 of the complete David Matthews string quartets (a Beethoven de nos jours!). I was listening to the near-final edit of the Ashton piano music Vol. 1 the other day and marvelling at home good the music is. Also in final or near-final edits: the first CD of orchestral pieces by Havergal Brian, chamber music by Buxton Orr, Reinhard Oppel piano music Vol. 1, the remaining two volumes of the complete Rameau keyboard music on the piano, Peeter Süda organ music, and more instalments of Telemann's Harmonischer Gottes-Dienst cantatas. And there might be one or two more I've forgotten. And there are quite a few Toccata Press books in preparation, too!



Hi All, especially Martin.
This really is great news - I am especially interested in the Stradal / Liszt transcriptions as I have been playing them on and off for several years (still can't get the score of Tasso though...) so would like to hear how they should go!

As for the other recordings, I shall certainly have to get a better paid job!!


Quote from: Jonathan on Saturday 28 November 2009, 16:40
This really is great news - I am especially interested in the Stradal / Liszt transcriptions as I have been playing them on and off for several years (still can't get the score of Tasso though...) so would like to hear how they should go!

I have been collecting Stradal scores for yonks and have a paper copy of this somewhere, but cannot find it at the moment. I got it from Glasgow University Library who have an excellent document supply service. Edinburgh University Library have a very good collection of Stradal scores.

I am very much looking forward to this disc as i have only ever heard one recording of Stradal before. His transcriptions would probably fill 30 disks.

My pianistic skills are week, but i did have a bash at his transcriptions of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No.3 and Strauss Roses of the South.



Back to Gernsheim's PC. I'm very longing to hear this work and I'm sure it must be delightful. I can only hope we don't have to wait too long for a CD.
I've become very fond of Gernsheim's music and especially his Piano Quartets are very dear to me. So therefore I eagerly look forward to the release of his Piano Quintets, Martin! Excellent news!


Quote from: thalbergmad on Saturday 28 November 2009, 20:08

Edinburgh University Library have a very good collection of Stradal scores.


Thanks for that Thalbermad!  If I visit Edinburgh again (and we are planning to in the next couple of years), I shall certainly have to look!


Scores of Gernsheim's Violin Concerto in D, op. 42, and Symphony 2, op. 46, have recently become available on IMSLP.,_Op.42_%28Gernsheim,_Friedrich%29

The chances for a recording of the concerto have increased at least slightly, I hope.