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Heinrich von Herzogenberg (1843-1900)

Started by Peter1953, Friday 18 December 2009, 21:55

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Alan Howe

Welcome, Empfindsamer!
For me Herzogenberg 1 is modelled on Brahms 1. Herzogenberg 2 is a  more personal and individual work.


I'll listen the Second tomorrow.


Quote from: Empfindsamer on Tuesday 22 June 2010, 20:55
(...) it place itself along Beethoven-Spohr-Schubert legacy (...)
This legacy covers and influenced the whole of the 19th century. For me, there's a clear line between Beethoven & Schubert, every composer coming after that more or less influenced by either of those composers. Your 'Brahms-Schumann legacy' as well. However, I must agree with the Herzogenberg 1 being (although quite nice) rather conservative. I also agree with your comment about the conducting - but I'm not really sure much more fire would help this symphony; I think the lack of fire is (dare I say?) partially the composer's 'fault'...

IF we're talking about symphonies, that is. Because, as a chamber music aficionado, the Herzogenberg 1 to me means his amazing first piano quartet, which I hold in much higher regard than his second! ;D Anyway, welcome to the forum!


I think I'll buy some other cds of Herzogenberg, specially vocal works.


Hi all

A warm welcome to Empfindsamer.

One of the highlights of the year (for me) has been the release) of a CPO disc featuring Herzogenberg's Odysseus Symphony (1870s) and his Violin Concerto in A minor (1889). I believe the recording has been discussed previously, but I heartily commend to anyone exploring this composer's work. The concerto was a real surprise - am still basking in the afterglow after listening to it again this evening.



Um, that's A Major, Peter.  Of course we're all so used to talking about minor key works here on this forum. ;D


I eventually listened to Herzogenber's 2, and I think it's definitely better than 1. More "romantic".

Ignaz Brüll

Quote from: Empfindsamer on Tuesday 22 June 2010, 20:55

I beg you pardon, but I didn't find a "New members introducing" section in our forum, so here I am.

In the suggestion's section you can find the thread you are looking for!


Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere, but it's worth noting that the indefatigable Leon Botstein is slated to conduct the U.S. premier of Herzogenberg's Symphony 1 on 25 Jan 2013 in a program that also includes Dvorak Symphony 4 and Brahms Symphony 4.

Alan Howe

That's great news for those of you who live stateside. Perhaps we'll be able to read a report in due course...


I finally got around to listening to Herzongenberg's Symphony #2, and it's absolutely fantastic!  And I swear, the opening of the first movement sounds so much like the opening to a movie, I can't even believe it hasn't been used for that purpose yet.  I don't think I've ever, in my entire life, heard a more film-music-sounding passage from pre-film times.  Right now, this is one of my favourite openings to a symphony.  The whole thing is pretty nice and tuneful, has a lot of very interesting rhythmic content, and to my ears is very expertly orchestrated.  That scherzo is an odd, at times introspective, rambling journey that I found very attention-holding.   It's odd that none of the melodies really stick in my head, but the work as a whole makes a pleasant impression in all departments

This is one piece that I think would be well-received by a lot of listeners if they were exposed to it.  Have only this and the 1st symphony reached CD thus far?  I'm going to have to buy that cpo disc, especially since people keep talking up the Symphony #1 so much.


His 'Odysseus' Symphony has been recorded, along with the Violin Concerto, Josh.