Olallo Morales (1874-1957): Swedish composer

Started by M. Henriksen, Tuesday 08 May 2012, 19:23

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M. Henriksen

I name that has occurred in several other Swedish composer's biographies is Olallo Morales. Morales' father was Spanish and his mother Swedish. After the death of his father; Morales and his mother moved from Spain to Sweden when the young composer was only seven years old.
He studied at the Conservatory in Stockholm, then worked as a conductor for the Gothenburg SO 1911-18 in addition to a post as music critic in the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.
He moved back to Stockholm and taught at the Conservatory there until 1939.

This is the major works of his I've been able to find information about:

1898/1910 - Concert Overture Försommar (Spring)
1900/01 - Symphony in G minor
1926 - Overture Abu Cassem's Slippers for tenor and orchestra
1943 - Concerto for violin and orchestra in D minor
1944 - Camacho's Wedding Ballet
1948 - Concert Overture Sommarmusik (Summer music)
1952/53 - Triptycon for orchestra - Fantasia, Passacaglia and Invocation
1954 - Festspel for orchestra
Berceuse for flute, violin and orchestra, Op. 3b
Serenade for orchestra, Op. 4
Andante lugubre for orchestra, Op. 10
Nostalgia for orchestra, Op. 15
Passacaglia for violin and orchestra in D major
Till Hembygden (To my Home Village) for choir and orchestra

In addition there are some orchestrations of original setting for voice and piano.

I've never heard anything of Morales' music but there's one recording of his piano music available:


And a review of it:


Alan Howe

How very interesting, Morten. Think I'll try that piano music CD with the ambitious-sounding sonata...


A completely new name to me :o

Thanks for bringing him to my attention :) He has been added to the Index.


Some of Morales' orchestral works, conducted by Stig Westerberg, appeared on London International WB 91144, an LP from 1956. The works were Abu Cassem's Slippers  - Overture and the Wedding of Camacho  - Ballet Suite. Despite great efforts, I was never able to track down this record.