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Joseph Street 1841-1908

Started by giles.enders, Monday 18 June 2012, 10:48

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It's a little difficult, because it's recommended to remove the marked pages at the beginning and end (including the colorcorrection page) before uploading from BSB and to crop any pages with library markings, but I can try.

Darrel Hoffman

Alright, no rush or anything, just for posterity.  I have noticed that a lot of the scores I see on IMSLP do have library markings, but they're not cropped out because they stamped them right on top of the music.  I assume when a piece is old enough that it's in public domain (and often old enough that the publisher doesn't even exist anymore), that sort of thing shouldn't matter as much.  Also I don't think you have to post the entire score?  Seemed it was possible to just replace the wrong pages the last time, I imagine they can be just inserted in a case where they're missing?  Not sure how that's done.  It was cypressdome who made that fix, for what it's worth.

Anyhow, I'll post a link here when the transcription is done.  Shouldn't be as hard as the last one...


Cyp has fixed the Street concerto too, now.


The (c) laws in some countries give libraries some rights- eh, it's complicated- and a reason along with politeness, why library sources should always be acknowledged when used eg in the Scanner field :)


Trying to track down the premiere of Street's concerto. No luck, but weirdly one mention of its publication, in "Musikalisches Wochenblatt, Volume 2" p.398, refers to the composer as "W. Street" for some reason, because yes, please, between "Street" listings and everything else make this information still harder to find...

Darrel Hoffman

It's like when I was looking up info about Theodore Thurner and Google kept insisting that I meant media mogul Ted Turner.  Or way back when I did the Carl/Caspar Brambach concerto, and kept getting results for Brahms and/or Bach.  (Didn't help nobody seemed to agree on his first name either.)

At any rate, I think I have everything I need on Mr. Street, unless I decide to try and track down his first concerto as well.  Given all the negative feedback I see about him, I'm not sure if there'll be enough interest in that, but we'll see how it goes once people get a listen of this one.  I'll admit it's hardly a groundbreaking work, but it has its moments.


does Google not pay attention to quote marks anymore? (I mean, yes, I'll type what I mean in quotes and Google will still ask Are you sure you don't mean... thing I don't mean, but at least because of the quotes most of the results will have something to do with the thing I meant- or used to. With their increasing reliance on shoddy so-called AI, among other things, maybe notsomuch.)

Darrel Hoffman

The problem is the quotes don't mean what they used to mean.  It used to mean "find this string, verbatim".  Now it means "exclude results without this string or something like it since you probably can't spell.", which used to be the job of the "+" operator.

It's also highly biased towards popular search results, hence Brahms and Bach, who just about everyone knows, getting billed over Brambach, who is mostly unheard of outside of niche communities like this one.


Darrel Hoffman

My transcription of the 2nd concerto is published, for what it's worth: