New Duttons for July release

Started by BFerrell, Tuesday 26 June 2012, 13:18

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CDLX 7289  Unrecorded Vaughan Williams (including Serenade in A minor, Dark Pastoral etc)

CDLX 7290  John McCabe Concertos

CDLX 7291  Benjamin Godard Piano Concerto No 2 and supporting programme

CDLX 7292 Cecilia McDowall  Orchestral works

CDLX 7293 Chadwick [unrecorded]  Orchestral works + Sinfonietta

LXBOX 2012 York Bowen chamber music (collected reissue)

Another great release due in October to include Alan Bush Lascaux Symphony, Bax Viola Phantasy and Frederick d'Erlanger Piano Concerto.


Thanks for this notice :)

Given that "Dark Pastoral" is David Matthews's realisation of the Vaughan Williams Cello Concerto slow movement I am wondering/presuming that this cd is the one which will also contain the David Matthews Symphony No.7 (recorded a year ago now) ???

I wonder which McCabe concertos are being released ??? His unrecorded concertos include the Piano Concerto No.3(37 mins), the Violin Concertos Nos. 1(30 mins) and 2(38 mins), the Horn Concerto(24 mins), the Cello Concerto(23 mins) and the Concertos for Oboe d'Amore(14 mins), Oboe(14 mins) and for Oboe and Clarinet(20 mins).


Yes, it's a release that raises a few questions, but as ever I thoroughly look forward to "D-Day"! I'm guessing the Brian 13 will be out around Christmas (judging by other releases' recording and release dates).

Mark Thomas

Whilst for me the potential highlights are the Godard and Chadwick CDs. Good oh!

Alan Howe

Quote from: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 26 June 2012, 15:28
Whilst for me the potential highlights are the Godard and Chadwick CDs. Good oh!

Here's hoping they'll be actual highlights...


Mark Thomas

Quote from: Alan Howe on Tuesday 26 June 2012, 17:03
Here's hoping they'll be actual highlights...
Don't know the couplings and haven't heard the music yet, hence "potential". Doesn't do to get one's hopes up, y'know. I don't subscribe to the perverse notion that something is good just because it's unknown. Curmudgeon, moi?

Alan Howe

Agreed. Still, Godard and Chadwick should make for some very enjoyable listening...

Gareth Vaughan

When Dutton released the CD of the 1st PC with the Introduction & Allegro for piano & orchestra and the Symphionie Orientale, I wrote to them suggesting that if they did PC No, 2 it should be coupled with the Fantaisie Persane for piano & orchestra and the Symphonie Gothique. It will be interesting to see if they have adopted my suggestions.


I'll certainly be homing in on the Vaughan Williams, especially if it also includes the Bucolic Suite, but otherwise only the Chadwick holds a real attraction for me. Mind you, the promises of (Alan) Bush and d'Erlanger are tantalising prospects for the October schedule.


Mark Thomas

Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Tuesday 26 June 2012, 20:34
it should be coupled with the Fantaisie Persane for piano & orchestra and the Symphonie Gothique.
They'd be great couplings, Gareth. I do hope that your suggestion bears fruit.


All the Godard concertos [rec.] have proved to be exquisite. [I'd much rather have seen them on the RPC list!] And despite all the mud slinging here I found the Symphony No. 4 [Orientale] to be quite beautiful. The Godard CD is definitely on my list.  I do hope someone gets around to recording the rest of the 5 symphonies!


Can I sound like a real ignoramus and ask Chadwick's Christian name? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with him.
