Maurice Emmanuel(1862-1938): a Catalogue of the Orchestral Music

Started by Dundonnell, Wednesday 27 June 2012, 15:11

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1886:   Pantomime "Pierrot peintre" for mezzo-soprano or contralto, reciter and orchestra, op. 1
1890:      "Ouverture pour un conte gai": 5 minutes    +  (Timpani cd)
1902:      Fantaisie "Zingaresca" for two piccolos, two pianos, timpani and strings, op.7
1913/14-15:"Chanson Bourguignonnes du pays de Beaune" for choir an orchestra, op.15
1913/32-36"Chanson Bourguignonnes du pays de Beaune" for voice and orchestra, op. 15     +   (Warner Erato cd)
1916:      "Prologue de Promethee enchaine" for orchestra, op. 16
1919:      Symphony No.1 in A major, op.18: 21 minutes   +  (Naxos and Timpani cds)
1923-28:Overture "Salamine", op. 21
1930-31:Symphony No.2 in A major "Bretonne", op.25: 16 minutes   *  +  (Naxos and Timpani cds)
1934-35:Suite francaise for orchestra, op.26: 13 minutes    +  (Timpani cd)
1938:      (Symphonic Poem "Le poeme du Rhone" for orchestra, op.30 (orchestrated by Marguerite Beclard d' Harcourt): 17 minutes)    +  (Naxos cd)



I wonder about the dating of the 2nd symphony- the announcer on the recording I heard dates it to 1923 - I think? (Robert, 1963 does date it to 1931 as I'm sure do most other sources. The announcer on that tape also claims there is a program having to do with Ys. Hrm. Actually, ok, I find that last claim mixed with others in a Google Preview'd review of a performance of the symphony by the Concerts Colonne in 1935... (La Revue Musicale, Volume 16, somewhere.)) Apparently it was premiered 27 Jan. 1935 by the same Concerts Colonne, if I read right- though a 1927 issue of Mercure de France confuses things ("Concerts Colonne: Deuxième Symphonie, par Maurice Emmanuel"... maybe he thought he had it ready, but withdrew it and revised it for awhile. I have no idea. I think there is a biography of him, or two or four, but I haven't read any.)


If you are referring to the recording of the Second Symphony posted on this site then the "announcer" is actually me reading from the sleeve note of the LP, recorded almost forty years ago ;D ;D

I probably misread the sleeve ;D  I was in my early twenties at the time ;D

The symphony does seem to date from 1930-31.