Walter Braunfels(1882-1954): a Catalogue of the Orchestral Music

Started by Dundonnell, Sunday 15 July 2012, 03:28

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Braunfels was noted as a composer of operas in Germany in the inter-war period but his orchestral and major choral music deserves to be re-evaluated and given more exposure.


1906:      "Hexensabbat" for Piano and Orchestra
1909:       Symphonic Variations on a French Child's Song for orchestra, op. 15
                 Oratorio "Offenbarung Johannis" for tenor, chorus and orchestra, op 17
1910:      "Ariels Gesang" for small orchestra, op.18
                Serenade for small orchestra, op.20: 25 minutes     +  (cpo cd)
1911:       Piano Concerto in A major, op.21
                "Carnevals-Ouverture", op.22
1913-19:"Die Taubenhochzeit"(Ballet Music from the Opera "The Birds"): 12 minutes
1914:      Chinese Songs for high voice and orchestra, op. 19
1914-17:"Phantastische Erscheinungen " on a theme of Hector Berlioz for orchestra, op.25: 48 minutes     +  (Profil and cpo cds)
1914-19:"Die Ammenuhr" for bys' choir and orchestra, op. 28: 16 minutes
1915:     "Auf ein Soldatengrab" for baritone and orchestra, op.26: 8 minutes
1916-18:Two Holderlin Songs for bass and orchestra, op.27: 13 minutes
1918-42:"Romantische Gesange" for soprano and orchestra, op.58
1921:      Te Deum for soprano, tenor, chorus, organ and orchestra, op.32: 55 minutes   *  +  (Orfeo cd)
1921-23:"Tanze und Melodien"(Suite from the Opera "Don Gil von den grunen Hosen"), op.35b
1922-24:"Don Juan(a classical-romantical-Phantasmagoria)" for orchestra, op. 34: 24 minutes
1922-25:Praeludium and Fugue for orchestra, op. 36: 17 minutes     *
1923-26:"Grosse Messe" for soprano, contralto, tenor, bass, chorus, organ and orchestra, op. 37: 105 minutes
1927:      Concerto for Organ, boys' choirs, strings and brass, op. 38: 22 minutes
1928:      Suite "Der glaserne Berg" for small orchestra, op.39b
1932:      Divertimento for radio orchestra, op.42: 20 minutes
1933:      Advent Cantata for baritone, chorus and orchestra, op.45
               Scottish Fantasia for Viola and Orchestra, op. 47
1933-35?:Cello Concerto, op.49  (unfinished)
1935-36:"Die Gotte Minnende Seele" for soprano and chamber orchestra, op.53
1936:      Suite in E minor for orchestra, op.48
1936-43:Passion Cantata for baritone, chorus and orchestra, op.54
1937:      Christmas Cantata for soprano, baritone, chorus and orchestra, op. 52
1938-44:Easter Cantata for soprano, chorus and orchestra, op. 56
1944:      Scena "The Death of Cleopatra" for soprano and orchestra, op. 59
1944-45:"Von der Liebes und bittrer Frucht" for soprano and orchestra, op. 62
1946:      Concertstuck for Piano and Orchestra, op.64
1947:      Music (Sinfonia Concertante) for Violin, Viola, two horns and string orchestra, op. 68
1948:      Sinfonia Brevis, op. 69     +   (RCA Victor cd)
1950-51:Hebrides Dance for Piano and Orchestra, op. 70
1952:      "Trauer, Tanz und Werblieder" for coloratura soprano, chorus, chamber orchestra and harpsichord, op. 65


Two Christmas Fairytales for school orchestra, op.43