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Joseph Liebeskind

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 29 August 2012, 20:12

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Mark, from the post above in this thread, you uploaded this. Is it still available? Can you tell me where?


"He has co-authored the thematic catalog of the works of Christpoh of Alfred Wotquenne Willibald Gluck"

I think that was supposed to be , he co-authored the thematic catalog of the works of Christoph Willibald Gluck with Alfred Wotquenne (y'know, who's now better known for his work on CPE Bach's music- or maybe not anymore known at all... ah well :( )

Mark Thomas

Amphissa: Yes, I originally uploaded the Liebeskind Symphony a few years ago. Last year MediaFire "accidentally" wiped all my music files from their server. There were far too many to replace, so I deleted all my affected download posts at UC. I'll look out the Liebeskind Symphony and re-upload it today. Look out for the post.

Mark Thomas

The Liebeskind Symphony recording is now available from the Downloads board here.


Hi everybody - and greetings from the city which is just shown on an old postcard of that YouTube Liebeskind upload :-) I crossed this same bridge this very morning...
I once had acetates of that broadcast, and they became unplayble. They were given to me by one of the founders of our Swiss Copyright Society SUISA - and I am so happy that someone uploaded this again. Will try to reserach in the archives over here whether there is a Symphony Nr. 2


Thanks very much, Mark. I'm not sure how I missed this guy the first time around, so I appreciate the second chance.


Thanks for re-uploading this, Mark. It's a bit of a curiosity - written in the style of a generation earlier, and by a rarely heard composer/musicologist but, to my ears, quite mundane - what Victor Borge called "bread & butter".

I wonder what his arrangements/reductions are like. I think he was a specialist in the music of Gluck.....

Alan Howe

It's not a great piece, is it? A historical curiosity only, perhaps.

Mark Thomas

Although I uploaded it, I must say that I didn't do so in a spirit of advocacy! Personally, I find it as dull as ditch water.


So, now I'm confused. Are we permitted to express negative opinions about music on UC or not?

Alan Howe

Where's the confusion? Negative comments welcome!


Well, the "Sung composers" thread was terminated because of negative opinions. I'm just trying to get a sense of where the line is regarding expression of negative opinions about composers or their music.


(1) there's always been a preference here for opinions, positive or negative, to be backed up with something rather than remaining solely opinions.
(2) I shouldn't - because I can't - speak to why that thread was suspended, but would guess that another reason was the repeated violations of our restricted forum guidelines. This mattered less when the topic began, for the simple, palimpsest/time-travel-related reason that those guidelines had yet to be put in place at that time.

When the topic was resumed recently, however, there was a (the usual such) temptation to continue the discussion in the topic according to the rules that had prevailed earlier in the topic- a temptation which should have been resisted, because the forum's prevailing rules had changed.

Mark Thomas

Thanks, Eric.

Amphissa: There is absolutely no restriction on expressing positive or negative views about music. That's the lifeblood of UC, and personally I'm not sparing in my criticism when I feel so moved. I decided to close the Sung Composers You Just Don't Get thread because, after 18 pages, it had run out of steam. Because a thread, once started, tends to develop a format of its own, sometimes it's best to close it down if the format become sterile, that's all. It's not a big deal. Most posts were some variation on "I like" or "I don't like", which in itself tells the rest of us nothing about the music.  What informs readers here is, as Eric says, why someone likes or doesn't like.

Now, back to Liebeskind, please.


I'd like to hear those string quartets, one of which is @ IMSLP.  Any chamber group willing to have a look (with the risk that no.1 might well be as dull as Mark finds the symphony, but - nothing ventured, nothing gained...) ?  (No.2 Op.7 seems to be hard to trace, though.)

Re the opus no. list above, there's an op.15 "Serenade no.3" in A minor, too (under Josef Liebeskind, not Joseph, on Worldcat.)