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Garreta violin concerto etc.

Started by Martin Eastick, Tuesday 30 October 2012, 11:23

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Martin Eastick

I have just received an e-mail from to confirm that the eagerly-awaited recording of the Garreta violin concerto has just been released. This is coupled with an early orchestral suite by Edouard Toldra. Hoping the mail from Spain does not take too long............

Alan Howe

I'd never heard of the composer. Perhaps you'd be kind enough to post a review of the VC (listed in Toskey, but not described) when the CD arrives?
Meanwhile, here's a link to this release:,en/TD00093/Toldra-Suite-en-Mi-Garreta-Concert-per-a-violi-i-orquestra.html


composed 1925 (the composer's death year), according to the violin concerto database?


I can upload Garreta's Suite in G & Pastoral if anyone is interested.

Alan Howe

The VC is clearly a major - and unique - late-romantic statement. It wears its 43 minutes lightly - weaving wonderful melodies in the slow movement and always leading the ear on through the clarity and inventiveness of its orchestral writing. I honestly can't think of anything like it and am astonished that such a wonderful work has suddenly reappeared after all these years (it was evidently written at the end of the composer's life - he died in 1925 - and not heard again until 1971; the score was only published in 2008). Extraordinary.
Many, many thanks to Martin Eastick for spotting this one - and for having the breadth of knowledge to realise that this would be an important release.


Haha - I went in to the Trito website this morning with the goal of purchasing this CD.  Imagine my dismay to learn that they want to tack on 11.90 Euros for postage!!   That'd be a $30.54 CD.  So I guess I have to live without this one.  I contacted Jeff at Records International who sez he tried to contact them for a U.S. distributorship and they didn't reply.


Martin Eastick

Alan - I see you have beaten me to it re a review! I've only just had a chance for a serious listen today and willingly endorse your comments above - it does seem quite unique and whilst I thought I had detected certain fleeting influences (Arensky & Karlowicz came to mind amongst others!) - the composer then goes off in a new direction entirely. Overall I have to say I was most impressed and well worth the wait (Trito had some tantalising sound-bites available when they first published the score but kept silent about the fact that they were going to issue the CD in due course)!

I do agree however that their CD's need better distribution together with cheaper mailing costs to certain destinations - especially as they DO issue some most worthwhile and interesting Spanish unsung repertoire!

Alan Howe


My copy of the Trito disc has just arrived  and I am really looking forward to hearing Garreta's VC later today! I ordered the CD merely based on the comments made in this thread and hopefully I too will the music just as wonderful.

Mark Thomas

jpc are advertsising a Trito CD wth a 1925 Violin Concerto by Juli Garreta (1875-1925) and a 1919 orchestral Suite by Eduard Toldrà (1895-1962), both of them new names to me. The works themselves seem from the sound bites available here to be thoroughly romantic in style.

Alan Howe

Mark: you'll see that I merged your post with an existing older thread on the subject. Great VC, by the way.

Richard Moss

Just a tid-bit.  The VC album is available on  e-music for a very  modest £2.94 (once you've signed up)!  They also have another album including 'Impressions Symphonique'


Mark Thomas

QuoteMark: you'll see that I merged your post with an existing older thread on the subject. Great VC, by the way.
Ooer, just two years behind the times on this one, then  :-[

Alan Howe

Good to have a reminder of the CD, though. It's a corker.


I bought this CD back in 2012, listened to it a couple of times and since then, the CD has remained on the shelf. Thanks to the latest posts on this thread, I had another listen to the CD and this time round I was more impressed. The Garreta VC is very impressive and the opening movement  is quite beautiful, notable for its many subtle orchestral effects. I am beginning to realise that I don't sometimes listen enough to new works of unsung composers before making an evaluation! Some works clearly need to be listened to at least several times before one can really appreciate the true worth of a piece!