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Rufinatscha Symphony No.3

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 30 November 2012, 20:36

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Alan Howe

I have just received an e-mail from Karlheinz Siessl who conducted the premiere of Rufinatscha's Symphony in C minor, now officially designated No.3, in Mals and then in Innsbruck last weekend. The work's non-string parts were reconstructed by composer Michael F. P. Huber, apparently to very authentic effect.

According to Mr Siessl, the finale sounded particularly sensational, being spirited and modern-sounding for its date (1846), and the whole piece took 53 minutes in performance - in other words, somewhere between Symphony No.4 (old No.5) and No.5 (old No.6).

Mr Siessl believes that this is Rufinatscha's most important work; if it is superior to his two later symphonies, then it sounds as though we could have a masterpiece of major proportions on our hands.

The CD is due out in autumn 2013.


Excellent news!

When you say "the CD", Alan, which recording company are you referring to? Chandos?

It's now two years since Vol.1 of the Chandos 'series' appeared. Back in April 2011,
you reported Ralph Couzens as saying that Vol.2 was due in 2012 and would include the Piano Concerto and Symphony 5. Do we know anything further? The 5th seems to be widely regarded as his 'masterpiece' and so this disc was the one I was ready to spend money on! ;D

If the Chandos plan was to work backwards through the symphonies (?), at the present rate we'd get the 3rd at the end of 2016 .... so let's hope this CD does appear in autumn 2013.

I confess that I know nothing of Rufinatscha, except that his music is well-regarded here at UC.

Alan Howe

Symphony No.3 will be issued by the Tiroler Landesmuseen in Innsbruck. The performers will be the St Blasius Academy Orchestra under Karlheinz Siessl.

As for Chandos, all I know is that their Rufinatscha series is on hold.


Thanks for that clarification, Alan.

So, it's good news and bad news! Good that the 3rd is definitely being produced, and bad that Chandos have put their series on hold.  :)

Mark Thomas

Good news about the Third, but Chandos' series "on hold"? That doesn't sound very promising. On hold for what reason, do you know, Alan?

Alan Howe


I have heard the performance of Rufinatscha's Symphony No. 3 on October 25.: It was an overwhelming experience! The development of the sonata form of the 1. movement is thrilling.  The trio-part oft the 3. movement is a class of its own. The finale sounded particularly sensational, indeed: like a earworm. (It reminds me on the Scherzo of Schumann's Symphony D Minor, 1841) Only the 2. movement, maybe, is a little bit light with a too static metre and too trivial melody?

I do not agree with Mr Siessl, that this is Rufinatscha's most important work (I do believe his most important works are his Piano Lieder) – but I totally agree that this C Minor Symphony is his best Symphony! I believe it is also - and even more - due to Mr Michael F.P. Huber's mastership of orchestration, sense of tension and resolution in dynamics, and originality in varied form of flow in music. A masterpiece!

Yesterday in Austria there was a broadcasting with one hour or music by Rufinatscha (Lieder, Symphony No. 6 (under Seipenbusch) and chamber music). A concerto aria from the concerto last weak by the St Blasius Academy Orchestra under Karlheinz Siess for the very first time is included.  There is a livestream to hear here one week long:

(Some mistakes happened during the broadcasting and the information is confused and incomplete.  >:( )

Alan Howe

Thanks, a.b., for your report.
Perhaps you will let us know if there is a radio broadcast of the symphony at some point?


with pleasure! I hope the CD will come out earlier than autumn 2013! It is to be feared that there will be no radio broadcast before.  :'(

I also hope, the Double-CD with (nearly) Complete Piano Lieder will be available before Christmas this year.


Pity the livestream broadcast is just snippets......



The concerto aria "Der Schwur am Grabe der Mutter" (The oath at the grave of the mother[?]), sung by Andreas Mattersberger, Orchester der Akademie St. Blasius, Karlheinz Siessl, first performance in our time, is in full lenghts (07:02 min) :)


I take the opportunity to announce our future Rufinatscha recordings - with prospected dates of issue. All recordings will appear under the Label "musikmuseum" (the record label of the Tiroler Landesmuseen).
1) Rufinatscha Lieder - early February 2013.
2) Rufinatscha Symphony no. 3 & 3 concert arias - autumn 2013 or Jan 2014, depends on the financial resources. Money, money... donations welcome ;-)

My impression on the Symphony Nr 3, even more after listening to a preliminary version of the recording made on Nov 24/25, is largely the same as that of conductor Karlheinz Siessl: The c minor symphony is a capturing and very successful work with an almost Brucknerian final movement (reminding more of the later composer's Scherzi), and also the slow movement is well-balanced and melodious. Michael F. P. Huber has done an excellent job, the completion shows his typical handwriting, but it is very true to Rufinatscha's style. The first movement of no. 3 ist as monumental and full of grandeur as those of the later symphonies, but much  more impressive and thrilling than the (sometimes dull, too long) 1st mov. of the 6th. I was worrying about some passages which seemed dull for me from the score in the 1st movement of no. 3, but the performance has brought them to life.  The scherzo foreshadows that of the 6th, sometimes with direct borrowings.

I'm rubbing the hands in glee.

But I wonder, Alan, if you'll permit me to be an utter pest. Do you know anything more about that sad decision by Chandos? (Or at least can venture an intelligent guess?)

Did the first Chandos release fall deadborn from the record press and achieve only minimal sales, and in view of that the company has decided to make no further investment? Have they decided there is a far greater market for Tchaikovsky? Is the scheduled series of Rufinatscha merely 'on hold', or plain cancelled? Is Gianandrea Noseda too busy with other things? Are there any contractual reasons preventing another company having a go at, say, the chamber music? What does your crystal ball tell you?

There - I said I'd be a pest! But I'm sure all members would be especially grateful for any news (and hopefully not bad news).

Alan Howe

Thanks for the update, Dr Gratl. We can't wait to hear the 3rd Symphony!

As for the Chandos project, I have no further news at all. All I know is that the recording of vol.2 - due to take place in the early summer of 2012 - was supposed to be being put off until 2013.

Mark Thomas

The description of Symphony No.3 is certainly mouthwatering and I really look forward to hearing it and the concert arias. Whilst it's certainly long I must take mild issue with Dr Gratl's characterisation of the first movement of No.6 as "sometimes dull, too long". To me it has all the monumental inevitability of, say, Schubert's Ninth or, indeed, something from Bruckner's canon.