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Raff Piano Works

Started by alharris, Monday 07 January 2013, 12:42

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Great news from Tra Nguyen on Facebook this morning. She is choosing her repertoire for her next three Raff recordings!

Mark Thomas

... And there was me, keeping all quiet about it.   ::)

Alan Howe

The cat's out of the bag, then! Great news!

The moral, Mark, is never impart your secrets to a lady: they are renowned for letting cats out of bags.

But seriously, this is wonderful, wonderful news. I'd like to think Tra has been taking account of all the enthusiasms expressed in this forum about her performances of the great man.

Alan Howe

Quote from: on Monday 07 January 2013, 16:41
never impart your secrets to a lady: they are renowned for letting cats out of bags

That's probably actionable. My wife is great at keeping secrets...


I too have just read Tra's post on Facebook. I too would like to say what wonderful news! 3 more CD's means 3 more must-buys!


Well if they're even 70% as good as the first three, they are must buys for me...

My wife is great at keeping secrets...

Which gives rise to the epistemological issue: how would you know that?

Alan Howe

Actually, what it gives rise to is an admonition to return to the topic...

BTW It's only an epistemological problem if the secrets involved have to be kept in perpetuity. It's clearly not necessarily of the essence of a secret that it never be divulged.


Quote from: DennisS on Monday 07 January 2013, 18:33
I too have just read Tra's post on Facebook. I too would like to say what wonderful news! 3 more CD's means 3 more must-buys!


Mark Thomas

:) Well, it looks as if Grand Piano already have a sizeable number of pre-orders, but it is very early days yet. As Tra has mentioned, she is still looking at repertoire, so clearly we haven't yet finalised the pieces which will be recorded, never mind secured Grand Piano's agreement to them. The contract has yet to be agreed and signed, the recording sessions have yet to be booked, the release schedule has yet to be determined, so it will be years and not months before vol.4 appears. That said, another three volumes of Raff piano music is a very exciting prospect. I'm seeing Tra this weekend and she has already described some of the pieces under consideration by us as "simply wonderful".

Gareth Vaughan

Congratulations to Mark and Tra. Raff's piano music represents a very large part of his output and there are tremendous riches to be mined. Even when he was writing "bread and butter" works to keep the wolf from the door (pardon the mixed metaphor) the results were always elegant, beautifully constructed and melodically satisfying. Tra will be spoilt for choice.


Just read this wonderful and exciting news! I'm very anxious to know what Tra will select for the next series. Whatever it is, we are certain it's going to be... wow. She is such a great advocate of Raff's piano music. As you are, Mark! So far the best news of the new year!

Mark Thomas

We are deciding this weekend on the works which we intend should be on the next three CDs, but you'll appreciate that Grand Piano's understandable commercial interests dictate that the CDs' contents will stay under wraps for quite some time yet. Sorry to be so plonking, but that's how it is. Rest assured, as soon as I can spill at least some beans, I will.


Makes good sense, but it sounds like the series is in all-round the best hands possible if I may say...