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Reinecke Cello Concerto

Started by JimL, Wednesday 06 March 2013, 01:32

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Michael Samis

Thank you so much Josh et al for your support!  I am very excited about sharing this amazing piece.  Interesting story: the second theme of the first movement sounds quite a bit like Dvorak Concerto's second theme. Often people note, "Wow, that sounds a lot like the Dvorak," as I did the first time I read it with my pianist. As a matter of fact, when it returns in the recap, it's even in the same key as Dvorak's exposition. But guess what... Dvorak Concerto was thirty years after the Reinecke Concerto!

This is a truly beautiful and communicative piece. To me, it's like the Mendelssohn cello concerto that never was, but in a voice all its own.

We're getting there... please keep spreading the word!  Thank you for your help!

Alan Howe


I believe that somebody mentioned a couple of cello concertos by Klengel earlier today.  If cpo has dropped the project there are another couple of unsungs that might be worth some attention.


No argument -there-. (Did a broadcast of Marteau's cello concerto Op.7 make its way here at one point?...)

Gareth Vaughan

I wish we had a good commercially available recording of Bortkiewicz's Cello concerto - the violin concerto too (but I am straying from this thread).


Well friends, here's our opportunity to put our money where are mouths have been.   Well, at least, some of our mouths.  We've talked several times about helping finance recordings of unsung composers.  Here's our chance.  You can pledge any amount from a dollar up.  I think for US$25 you'll get an early copy of the CD.  Not much more than youi'll pay for it when it's released. 

And it's only a pledge - if Michael doesn't raise the necessary total by later in this month, all bets are off.  To me, the kickstarter looks like a good way to get a project like this off the ground.


Gareth Vaughan

I agree. I've pledged a few bucks.

Alan Howe


I think you guys are doing better than the ones at the other far.  ;D

Alan Howe

Great news! Michael Samis writes:

What can I say? I'm beyond words about meeting my goal with over 10 days left in the campaign! I am emotionally moved by the response from around the world to A Forgotten Cello Concerto. I am so happy that my backers love the idea of reviving the cello concerto of Carl Reinecke, whose expressive voice has been silent for so many years. For me, it's about the music on this album, and the sense of connection that it brings within ourselves. It is about the stories of humanity that are written in this music – stories that transcend time, style, and rules.

I thank each of you so much for being a part of this. The Kickstarter model is all-or-nothing funding, so I set the conservative goal of $8500 to simply make the project possible. However, the cost of this project is considerably more. Please continue to spread the word about A Forgotten Cello Concerto and help me find new backers to join us!

Together, we've reached the goal. I cannot express in words how excited I am, and how grateful I feel to each of you.

With sincere thanks...

Richard Moss


Because you and Mark, with the help of others, run this site it was thus possible (i) for us to be aware of Michael's endeavour and (ii) hence make our own small contributions to help him in his project. 

That he is now on track to be successful is reward beyond measure to help bring what I'm sure will be a true 'gem' back to the world.  I haven't heard anything orchestral by Reinecke I didn't like so I'm sure this won't be the exception!

Thanks to UC and all who make it possible for 'being there'

Best wishes


Alan Howe

You are welcome, Richard. It's great actually to be able to do something, isn't it?

Richard Moss


Yes it is nice to feel, even in a small way, that we've helped get something done. Reminiscent of that thread (late last year?) about options to encourage production of 'unsungs'.

By the way, I mustn't forget - most important - thanks to Gerry as well for the initial action in bringing it to our attention.




Actually, Richard, I think it was Jim who gets the credit.   All I added was a little explanation which I didn't think was clear originally.


Richard Moss


You're quite right - thanks for the gentle correction.  Step forward Jim for your bow (sorry I didn't get it right first time - 'anno domini' and all that!)
