Unsung concert announcements for the present and coming seasons

Started by Ilja, Sunday 12 May 2013, 09:24

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For those interested:

May 31, 2013 (20:15):

Jan van Gilse: Eine Lebensmesse (+ Franz Schubert: Symphony No. 8)

Radio Filharmonisch Orkest
Groot Omroepkoor
Nationaal Jeugdkoor

Markus Stenz, conductor
Heidi Melton, soprano
Gerhild Romberger, alto
Roman Sadnik, tenor
Vladimir Baykov, bass

Vredenburg (temporary music hall, Leidse Rijn), Utrecht, Netherlands


June 8 & June 9, 2013 (20:00)

Joseph Jongen: Symphonie concertante (& César Franck: Le chasseur maudit / Joseph Callaerts: Organ concerto)
Antwerp Cathedral
Peter vande Velde, organ / Flemish Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jaap van Zweden
Antwerp Cathedral (http://www.defilharmonie.be/concert/orgel-versus-orkest-0)


July 15, 2013 (19:30):

Anton Urspruch: Piano Duo "con spirito"
Franz-Hitze-Haus, Kardinal-von-Galen-Ring 50, 48149 Münster, Germany.


September 6, 2013 (20:00)

Rued Langgaard: Symphony No. 1, "Pastoral of the Cliffs"
South Jutland Symphony Orchestra conducted by Thomas Dausgaard
Ribe Cathedral, Ribe, Denmark


November 16, 2013 (15:00)

Joseph Jongen: Sonata for flute and string orchestra, Op. 77(& Carl Nielsen, Symphony No. 3)
Flemish Symphony Orchestra conducted by Giordano Bellincampi
De Roma, Antwerp, Belgium


February 27 & 28, 2014

Franz Schmidt: Symphony No. 3 (& Arvo Pärt, Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten / Dmitri Shostakovich, Piano Concerto No. 2)
Alexander Toradze, piano. Frankfurt HR Orchestra conducted by Paavo Järvi
Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany

Alan Howe

Thanks, Ilja.

Please could all URLs quoted in respect of concert announcements be hyperlinked?


Oops, I forgot. Sorry. Also, I added some text formatting to make the list a bit more fathomable.

Alan Howe


Well, works by Alexander Tansman (Stele) and a posthumous premiere by Gorecki (4th symphony) in 2014 (part of a big series called The Rest is Noise after Alex Ross' column title I think), but that doesn't tend to interest people here I think... may be able to find other things though , will try...
(Rawsthorne quartet 3, Maggini quartet, in Breckland, May 24, but again, outside our remit. It's hard to find things -inside- the remit, but then one likes a challenge. Hamelin will be performing the program I mentioned - Hamelin/Medtner/Schubert quite a lot but not it seems in England soon- sorry!...)


Well, in London, Boellmann's cello sonata, at St Dunstan-In-The-West, played by Benjamin Swartz and Lysianne Chen, on May 24 '13.
June 21 2013, Aleksander Szram , at Regent Hall, plays quite a few mostly brief pieces and the Grande Sonate by Alkan, some Liszt, some Chopin.
March 27 2014, Demidenko, at LSO St Lukes, plays unspecified works by Medtner; others; Rachmaninoff's Corelli variations.
(also, Hamelin is performing the Medtner concerti 2 & 3 in the Ruhr festival this year, June 29 besides the already too often mentioned :) )

btw, according to the same general (Bachtrack) website,
on Sep. 19 '13, some songs by Agathe Backer-Grøndahl in the opening concert of the Fartein Valen Festival.
(from another site- June 11 '13 - Otto Ketting sym. 1 in Cardiff from the BBC NOW/Jac van Steen- if this is broadcast, I'm hoping to fix my being-able-to-tape problem by then... (yes, less than a month away, I know, and yes, I know, not Romantic nor in England.))


First off-
Tonight, perhaps? Right now? Ah. In... 3 hours, I think- There's a program with Joachim's Hamlet Overture at the Britten Theatre of the RCM. (See e.g. here.)

Also, June 18th '13, Delius and Ireland: A Celebration, at Birmingham Conservatoire Recital Hall, with

Bowen, Quintet for Bass Clarinet and Strings
Hurlstone, Piano Quartet in E minor, Op.43
Ireland, Cello Sonata (fragment)
Ireland, Sextet

played by the Primrose Piano Quartet and Ron Woodley, clarinet, Chris Beagles, horn (in the Ireland), etc. (see this announcement e.g.)
(no Delius on the program but I would guess it's part of a series of programs. Clicking on "Delius and Ireland: A Celebration" tells me there are 11 such programs listed at the site, with works by Delius, Ireland, Britten, Tippett, Ivor Keys, Bax (3rd piano sonata, Legend for cello&piano, folk tale), Barton Armstrong (?), Denis Matthews, and Peter Thompson, some of them one composer only (e.g. one of Ireland piano works- divided between different pianists; one of 2 of his violin sonatas and his 2nd quartet).


Some additions:

18 & 19 September 2013
Gheorge Enescu - Suite No. 2 (& Nielsen - Symphony No. 2 / Beethoven - Piano Concerto No. 5)
Leif Ove Andsnes / Stockholm Philharmonic - Sakari Oramo
Stockholm Philharmonic Hall


25 September 2013
Wilhelm Stenhammar - Three Sentimental Romances for Violin and Orchestra (& Beethoven - Symphony No. 1 / Broström - Transit Underground)
Guro Kleven Hagen / Gävle Symphony Orchestra - Jaime Martin
Stockholm Philharmonic Hall


22 December 2013
Max Bruch - String Quartets in C minor / A minor, String Octet in B major
Funkhaus Wallrafplatz, Cologne, 11h00.


31 January & 1 February, 2014
Luis de Freitas Branco - The Death of Manfred (& Strauss - Four Last Songs / Elgar - Symphony No. 1)
Karita Mattila / Gulbenkian Orchestra - Paul McCreesh
Grand Hall, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon
http://www.musica.gulbenkian.pt/cgi-bin/wnp_db_dynamic_record.pl?dn=db_musica_season_2012_2013_en&sn=coro_orquestra_gulbenkian&orn=94] Symphony No. 1)
Karita Mattila / Gulbenkian Orchestra - Paul McCreesh
Grand Hall, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon


26 & 27 March, 2014
Wilhelm Stenhammar - Symphony No. 1
Adolf Wilklund - Piano Concerto No. 2 (only on March 27)
Martin Sturfält / Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra - Andrew Manze
Stockholm Philharmonic Hall
http://www.konserthuset.se/Default.aspx?PageId=16&Sida=Kalender&ConcertId=62109&Konsert=&leftpanedate=2014-03-01 (March 26)
http://www.konserthuset.se/Default.aspx?PageId=16&Sida=Kalender&ConcertId=62110&Konsert=&leftpanedate=2014-03-01 (March 27)


13 April 2014
Ernst von Dohnányi - Serenade in C major for string trio, Op. 10 (& Brahms - Serenade No. 1 in D major, Op. 11 (reconstruction of the version for Nonet)
Funkhaus Wallrafplatz, Cologne, 11h00.


For our friends in the Los Angeles area, it might be worthwhile to check out this page:

Le Salon de Musique this season plays chamber works by, among others:
  • Boëllman (Cello sonata)
  • Glière (2nd String Quartet)
  • Arensky (Piano Trio)
  • Xaver Scharwenka (Piano Trio, two Violin Sonatas & Cello Sonata)


This group,  Le Salon de Musiques, certainly programs some interesting stuff, and I believe they have some very good youtube vids of similar repertoire.  Without doing any digging myself, I wonder, though,  at their claim that that the Scharwenka works are all US premieres.  In light of the composer's ten years or so running a music school in NYC (during which time he even got his opera performed at the Met), how likely does this seem?



Scharwenka, Xaver. Cello Sonata in E minor. Played, or at least announced to be played- not sure- December 19, 1910, Assembly Hall, New York, by the composer and Mr. Horace Britt. Also some songs and his piano quartet Op.37. See this from the Tonkunstler Society of New York's journal. So yeah. Not too darn likely.



The Springfield (Massachusetts) Symphony Orchestra will do the Antar Symphony of Rimsky-Korsakoff and the 3rd Symphony of Rachmaninoff, both unsung works by otherwise established composers.



This past season they did the Rachmaninoff 4th Piano Concerto.  In past seasons they did the Rachmaninoff 1st Symphony, the Dvorak Piano Concerto, and Chadwick's Melpomene Overture.


Quote from: john_christopher on Tuesday 02 July 2013, 02:08
The Springfield (Massachusetts) Symphony Orchestra will do the Antar Symphony of Rimsky-Korsakoff and the 3rd Symphony of Rachmaninoff, both unsung works by otherwise established composers.

Rimsky yes, but Rachmaninoff 3 is hardly neglected.