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Chandos - Raff & Rufinatscha

Started by Gareth Vaughan, Friday 31 May 2013, 11:21

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Gareth Vaughan

I enquired of Chandos about their plans for further recordings with Jarvi of Raff and Rufinatscha, and received the following reply:

The Raff was a first volume in a new series, with another 3 volumes planned. I do not have any further information on when the next volume will be available as yet, but I expect it will be sometime in 2014. The Rufinatscha I believe was a stand-alone disc, and there are no further volumes in the pipeline. I hope this helps.
Winnie Fox (Thomsen)
Sales and Marketing Manager
Chandos Records

So, definitely not a Raff symphony cycle - and very disappointing that no further Rufinatscha disks are planned.

Disappointing on both counts. Alas, I fear the point that Alan has raised a number of times is justified: however much we might feel that these two composers have become rescued from oblivion, they just haven't (yet?) impacted upon the man in the street. As a consequence recordings don't sell in huge numbers, and thus companies like Chandos turn lukewarm.


Hrm. Thought that there were definite plans for at least a 2nd volume in the Rufinatscha series, but such things are always subject, I'm guessing, to critical and pocketbook response.  (Can think of other examples.)

(He's one composer I was maybe more than a little surprised I'd never heard of - to the extent that I recall thinking, a few years ago, that it was the composer himself who was the April-Fools joke, along the lines of similar hoaxes by Robert Layton and others - given, ...erm... a much over-high personal estimation of my acquaintance with the...well, never mind, anyway. Always glad to be pleasantly surprised, and must get the Chandos disc that did come out sooner than later...)

Gareth Vaughan

I would imagine, however (but this is mere speculation!!!) that the other Raff disks are likely to contain at least Symphonies 3 & 5.


I think no.5 was announced as next in the News section (at though that's probably not exactly a guarantee.

Alan Howe

I believe the next CD in the Rufinatscha series was supposed to contain the Piano Concerto and Symphony No.4 (old 5). I think one problem may have been securing a pianist, but the original intention was definitely for there to be more than one disc in the series, whatever it was to contain. How do we know? Apart from the (admittedly early) conversations to which I was party, the first CD clearly states: Orchestral Works Volume 1.

Of course, Chandos are perfectly entitled to change their minds, but the original plan was clearly for more than one volume. My message to Ms Winnie Fox (Thomsen) is that she should look carefully at the information that appears on the original CD which she is evidently in charge of marketing and selling. It helps to know the products one is selling...

Here's the evidence:

Mark Thomas

It's very disappointing that Chandos may not be going ahead with at least a second Rufinatscha CD, especially as the first one garnered quite respectable reviews. But we should never forget that record labels are businesses and maybe Rufinatscha just didn't sell.

From my point of view, obviously I'm delighted that there looks to be a real prospect of two more Raff symphony CDs from Järvi and the Suisse Romande Orchestra. I understand that they will record the Symphony No.5 Lenore, plus the Celebration Overture and the Overture to the Opera König Alfred next month. I have no idea what is planned for the third CD, but Gareth's assumption of the Symphony No.3 Im Walde would be mine too. Of course, it would be even better to have more of the symphonic cycle, but if Järvi's No.2 and the Shakespeare preludes are any indication of the quality of interpretation and performance we can expect, having three of Raff's four best symphonies available from a major label in such persuasive performances will still be a tremendous addition to his discography.

Alan Howe

...and if they could do No.4 - for me Raff's greatest, he said at the risk of offending the experts - this particular Raffian would be very content indeed.

Mark Thomas

Oh, I'd be quite happy with No.4, too, Alan. Personally, I rate Nos.4 and 5 equal as his best (but very, very different) symphonies.

Gareth Vaughan

Well, I was secretly hoping for No. 4 too. Then, for me at least, Jarvi would have recorded Raff's 4 best symphonies - certainly the ones I like best (not necessarily the same thing, I know).

Mark Thomas

Nos.3 and 4 would fit on one CD with about 5 minutes to spare.....

Gareth Vaughan

When I pointed out to Ms Fox Thomsen that the Rufinatscha disk was billed as "Volume One", I received the following response:

"The mention on the cover of it being a first volume
would certainly suggest that there's more to follow. Apologies for
giving you the wrong information, I wasn't aware of this. I can let you
know that there's nothing on the schedules at the moment for the
Rufinatscha series, so Volume 2 is unlikely to appear until Autumn 2014
at the earliest."

So there we have it. Don't hold your breath!

Alan Howe

Thanks for doing that digging, Gareth.
Q. What do marketing and sales people know?
A. Apparently very little.

Gareth Vaughan

It is remarkable, isn't it? But, sadly, my experience with marketing depts. in other Arts organizations has been similar. (I'll tell you privately what used to be said by the performers about the marketing dept. of a well-known opera company: it is not for display on this forum, I fear.)


Quote from: Mark Thomas on Friday 31 May 2013, 22:08
Nos.3 and 4 would fit on one CD with about 5 minutes to spare.....

They do fit - the Helios coupling of these two works clocks in at 79m11s..