Noskowski: Revenge on the Boundary Wall

Started by mikehopf, Friday 13 September 2013, 06:08

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Be still my heart!

On Sunday Polish Radio: Noskowski: Revenge of the Boundary Wall ( Opera):

SPECIAL PROGRAM: Letni Festiwal Muzyczny - koncert
Inauguracja sezonu koncertowego Polskiej Orkiestry Radiowej – transmisja ze Studia PR im. Witolda Lutosławskiego
Zygmunt Noskowski Zemsta za mur graniczny opera w 4 aktach, libretto: Aleksander Fredro (wersja koncertowa), wyk. Aleksandra Kubas-Kruk (Klara) – sopran; Robert Gierlach (Cześnik) – baryton, Wojtek Gierlach (Rejent) – bas, Paweł Skałuba (Wacław) – tenor, Anna Lubańska (Podstolina) – alt, Ryszard Minkiewicz (Papkin) – tenor, Dariusz Machej (Dyndalski) – bas, Chór Filharmonii Wrocławskiej, kier. art. Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny, Chór Polskiego Radia, kier. art. Izabela Polakowska, Polska Orkiestra Radiowa, dyr. Łukasz Borowicz (3 hrs.)

Mark Thomas

Oh wow! Time to crank up the recorder, I think...

Alan Howe


And Łukasz Borowicz in my limited experience a fine conductor. Good news!

Alan Howe


I also can't wait to hear it! I do hope that someone is going to register this performance.
In my old short book about Noskowski (of 1957) one can read that "composer's third attempt in finding his own way in writing an opera was again unsuccessful! Unfortunate was selection of the text by Fredro (one of most popular Polish comedies!) what paralised the development of music itself".
That's enough! I do not believe in this opinion. Critics in Poland for years used to undervalue our music and the listeners did not have even chance to confront such opinions with facts as a big number of compositions were never performed or registered. So I do expect quite interesting discovery.
Noskowski started writing "Zemsta" during his last summer holidays in 1908. According to the book only scetches remained. Opera was completed and orchestrated by Adolf Guzewski. It was staged (premiered) in March 1929 in Warsaw.
Most probably the performance scheduled for Sunday is the first presentation after the premiere.

Mark Thomas

QuoteI do hope that someone is going to register this performance.
Yes, I'll record it, but my internet recording software has been playing up recently and it'll have to be an unattended recording, so no promises, eh?


I'll also be trying to record it. however recently in recordings made by my software some distortions occur

Mark Thomas

My recording seems to have been successful so, all being well, I'll post it in the Downloads board tomorrow.

Alan Howe

Mark Thomas

It's available now in the Downloads board.


Tonight on Dwojka Polskie Radio:

Opera pod gwiazdami: Inauguracja Sezonu Koncertowego POR
(Warszawa, Studio Koncertowe Polskiego Radia SA im. Witolda Lutosławskiego 2013-09-15)
Zygmunt Noskowski Zemsta za mur graniczny, opera w czterech aktach;
wyk.: Aleksandra Kubas-Kruk – sopran (Klara),
Robert Gierlach – bas-baryton (Cześnik),
Wojtek Gierlach – bas (Rejent),
Paweł Skałuba – tenor (Wacław),
Anna Lubańska – alt (Podstolina),
Ryszard Minkiewicz – tenor (Papkin),
Dariusz Machej – bas (Dyndalski),
Chór Filharmonii Wrocławskiej,
Chór Polskiego Radia,
Łukasz Borowicz– kierownictwo muzyczne, dyrygent (2 hrs., 30 min.)


If anyone is as curious as I was about the title of this opera, there were two threads about the opera back in 2013, including this one :)

Alan Howe

Thanks for this notification.

I have merged this thread with an older one which indicates that Mark T. recorded a previous broadcast of the opera and uploaded it to UC. Unfortunately I can't locate it...

Anyway, it appears to be the same performance. Perhaps 'someone' can 'crank up' their recorder...? Again!


More unsung operas to listen to the better if you ask me, I can't get enough of them(they are like candy to me). So... it would be appreciated if it was recorded  :)