Hyperion RPC 63 Albéniz & Granados

Started by FBerwald, Tuesday 24 December 2013, 15:21

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Alan Howe

Perhaps you'd be good enough to start a new thread, Giles? Thanks.


OT: Re Brazilian PCs, I know and love Hekel Tavares' (1896-1969) lush, full-blooded, Rachmaninoffian Piano Concerto in Brazilian Forms, recorded by Felicja Blumental on a Brana Records CD. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing it recorded by Hyperion!


Gareth Vaughan

I somehow doubt that Tavares' PC will be recorded by Hyperion. It was scheduled to be done quite early on in the series but the family, having given permission for the disk to be made, suddenly withdrew that permission at the last minute after the orchestra had been engaged, studio time booked, and the pianist contracted and already learning the solo part. This left Hyperion with a substantial bill to pay and nothing to show for it. I believe the family thought they could interest another company in coupling the PC with Tavares' VC. Well, nothing came of that - and the irony is that if Hyperion had been allowed to record Tavares' PC in the RPC series the company might have been inclined to record the VC in its RVC series. Now I imagine Hyperion will want nothing to do with the Tavares family - "once bitten... etc" - and I wouldn't blame them.

Mark Thomas

A cautionary tale if ever there was one. A bird in the hand, etc.

Gareth Vaughan

No, not any more. It used to, but I noticed 2 days ago that it doesn't, and if you put Granados or Albeniz into the Hyperion website search engine you now get only disks already released. I hope this does not mean the recording has been cancelled.


Gareth, I believe they have taken down all prospective releases for April... It's just January. I expect we will see them all on the website by Feb.

Gareth Vaughan

Rob H

This seems to have disappeared completely. Maybe the given date - April 2015 - was correct.
Is anyone else having "RPC series" withdrawal issues!!? After getting used to 3 or four releases a year (we have been spoiled) it is not good to have no listings in the first 6 months of the year. At least we have a Scharwenka release (no new repetoire there though) and the marvellous Moszkowski (thank-you, thank-you, Ludmil).