Eduard Franck - More Piano Trios

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 15 January 2014, 21:54

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Gareth Vaughan

All very fine - and most attractive. But I WISH someone would record his 2 piano concertos. I have scores of both - the second is in MS

Mark Thomas

Gareth Vaughan

To be honest, I don't know. I'll enquire the next time I speak to Mike. But since Audite have recorded a lot of his music, it may be that they will do so.

Alan Howe

The CD of piano trios is simply delightful. More comments to follow...


It's available here in the colonies from Amazon on February 21.  Presumably in both CD and download formsts.



A bit of disappointment, I think.   Am I correct in assuming that the only thing new on this CD that hasn't been released by someone before is the 1835 trio??



Swiss Radio SRF 2 Kultur tonight at 10.35 pm CET:

Hans Huber: Cellosonate Nr. 1 D-Dur op. 33
Thomas Demenga, Cello
Jan Schultsz, Klavier

Eduard Franck: Klaviertrio D-Dur op. 53
Schweizer Klaviertrio

Claude Debussy: Streichquartett g-Moll op. 10


Missed it.  Would like to have heard the Huber.


I missed it as well - I must have wrongly assumed it would be available to listen to later, but as it is from a new CD, that turned out to be an error. The all Huber cello and piano CD has come out on a small label from Basel:
I can't properly access their website from my Mac, though...


I tried to get into that site and no matter what I click on, I get the same screen which explains what a blu-ray disc is.......???  Translation did not help.


Alan Howe


This version of the website works:
I contacted them and they replied very quickly and said they would look into the apparent problems. It seems you still need to download the entire catalogue to get track lists and other information, but the (hyper)links work.


Thanks.  I went to that site but can't seem to find any reference to a huber recording.....


Alan Howe