Thieriot Piano Quartet Op.30

Started by Mark Thomas, Wednesday 02 April 2014, 08:15

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Mark Thomas

There's a very welcome addition to the scant Thieriot discography with the announcement from cpo that they will be issuing his Piano Quartet in E flat Op.30 on a CD coupled with an intriguing reconstruction of an unfinished 1829 Piano Quartet in C minor by Schumann. The artists are the Valentin Quartet and the issue date is the end of this month. Details here.


wow!  A day full of great news...... 8) 8)   Now if we only didn't have to leave California and head back to Minnesota......



I wasn't aware the Schumann 1829 quartet was unfinished; I'd seen the score before - I'm guessing what I saw before (published in 1979 ca.) was that reconstruction, then. I've been calling the Op.47 his 2nd piano quartet for awhile now, unaware that he never exactly finished the 1829 one (erm- or whatever is the case.) I think it has been recorded before, though - ah, yes. On RCA Red Seal, as much as 21 years ago (see Worldcat) - and at least 3 times since, I think.). (There's a couple of other such - e.g. Saint-Saƫns' piano quartet Op.41 is his 2nd for those instruments, too, or so I thought; not sure how much work has been done to make the recent edition of his piano quartet in E major a playable piece...)
I'm intrigued by the whole release, really... what Thieriot I've heard (string quartet no.2, and one of his octets) has made me want to hear more too...

Alan Howe

The Thieriot Piano Quartet Op.30 is a heart-warming, sunny piece - a veritable antidote to a stressful day. What a magnificent composer Thieriot was: I look forward to the day when we might hear some of his orchestral music too.

Gareth Vaughan

I agree, Alan. There's very little Sturm und Drang about most of the music by Thieriot that I've seen - which is not to say it is shallow; just sunny and heart-warming. I reckon he must have been rather a nice guy. One would like to think so. Like you, I do hope we get the chance to hear some of his orchestral works. I have the score and parts of the Loch Lomond overture and have seen the score of the 1st PC - both delightful compositions.

Mark Thomas

I'll wait for the release of the download tracks, but the excerpts of both pieces make this album a mouthwatering prospect.

Alan Howe

Thieriot's PC1 and Gernsheim's PC would make a fine coupling for a CD...

Gareth Vaughan

I heartily agree. In fact, one might be able to get both PCs by Thieriot + the Gernsheim on the same CD.

Alan Howe

I assume Hyperion have been approached - but isn't there some issue with the Gernsheim as far as they're concerned?

Gareth Vaughan

I think Mike has changed his mind about the Gernsheim so he might look more favourably on an approach now.

Alan Howe

Aha  ;)
I assume he has heard the excellent recording available on YouTube.


Piano Quartet? What Piano Quartet?  :-[
Lordy, I have been seriously missing out - was only aware of the Quintet and Octet. An immediate visit to YT is required!  ::)


the discussion had diverged- the recording referred to above was of Gernsheim's piano concerto, I'm sure... (and you can find it in our Bizarro-named "download section" (well, ok, the name makes some sense...) too.)

Alan Howe

Sorry to have misled you, Colin. It's the Gernsheim PC that's on YouTube. Back to Thieriot (my fault)...


I should have read more carefully! We await the cpo disc with great anticipation....  :)